

  • 27 stycznia, 2023
  • 27 min read

With more than 6,100 employees across North America, Australia, New Zealand, and
Singapore, Applied Industrial Technologies ("Applied," the "Company," "We," "Us"
or "Our") is a leading value-added distributor and technical solutions provider
of industrial motion, fluid power, flow control, automation technologies, and
related maintenance supplies. Our leading brands, specialized services, and
comprehensive knowledge serve MRO (Maintenance, Repair & Operations) and OEM
(Original Equipment Manufacturer) end users in virtually all industrial markets
through our multi-channel capabilities that provide choice, convenience, and
expertise. We have a long tradition of growth dating back to 1923, the year our
business was founded in Cleveland, Ohio. During the second quarter of fiscal
2023, business was conducted in the United States, Puerto Rico, Canada, Mexico,
Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore from 567 facilities.

The following is Management's Discussion and Analysis of significant factors
which have affected our financial condition, results of operations and cash
flows during the periods included in the accompanying condensed consolidated
balance sheets, statements of consolidated income, consolidated comprehensive
income and consolidated cash flows. When reviewing the discussion and analysis
set forth below, please note that the majority of SKUs (Stock Keeping Units) we
sell in any given period were not necessarily sold in the comparable period of
the prior year, resulting in the inability to quantify certain commonly used
comparative metrics analyzing sales, such as changes in product mix and volume.


Consolidated sales for the quarter ended December 31, 2022 increased $183.4
million or 20.9% compared to the prior year quarter, with acquisitions
increasing sales by $4.0 million or 0.5% and unfavorable foreign currency
translation of $6.0 million decreasing sales by 0.7%. The Company had operating
income of $112.9 million, or operating margin of 10.6% of sales for the quarter
ended December 31, 2022 compared to an operating income of $78.2 million, or
operating margin of 8.9% of sales for the same quarter in the prior year. The
quarter ended December 31, 2022 had net income of $80.5 million compared to net
income of $57.0 million in the prior year quarter. The current ratio was 3.2 to
1 at December 31, 2022 and 2.7 to 1 at June 30, 2022.

Applied monitors several economic indices that have been key indicators for
industrial economic activity in the United States. These include the Industrial
Production (IP) and Manufacturing Capacity Utilization (MCU) indices published
by the Federal Reserve Board and the Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) published
by the Institute for Supply Management (ISM). Historically, our performance
correlates well with the MCU, which measures productivity and calculates a ratio
of actual manufacturing output versus potential full capacity output. When
manufacturing plants are running at a high rate of capacity, they tend to wear
out machinery and require replacement parts.

The MCU (total industry) and IP indices have decreased since June 2022. The MCU
for December 2022 was 78.8, which is down from the September and June revised
readings of 80.1 and 79.7, respectively. The ISM PMI registered 48.4 in
December, down from the September and June 2022 readings of 50.9 and 53.0,
respectively. The indices for the months during the current quarter, along with
the indices for the prior fiscal year end and prior quarter end, were as

                                                Index Reading
                        Month               MCU      PMI      IP
                        December 2022       78.8     48.4    99.8
                        November 2022       79.4     49.0    101.1
                        October 2022        80.0     50.2    102.2
                        September 2022      80.1     50.9    101.9
                        June 2022           79.7     53.0    101.1

Liczba pracowników Spółki wynosiła 6157 osób 31 grudnia 2022 r6075 o godz
30 czerwca 2022 ri 6007 o godz 31 grudnia 2021 r. Liczba działających obiektów wyniosła łącznie 567 przy 31 grudnia 2022 r568 o godz 30 czerwca 2022 ri 569 o godz
31 grudnia 2021 r.


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  Table of Contents
                           AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

Wyniki operacji

Trzy miesiące zakończone 31 grudnia 2022 r i 2021 r

Poniższa tabela została zamieszczona w celu ułatwienia przeglądu skonsolidowanych sprawozdań finansowych Applied.

                                                            Three Months Ended December 31,             Change in $'s Versus
                                                               As a Percent of Net Sales                   Prior Period -
                                                             2022                     2021                   % Increase
Net sales                                                       100.0  %                 100.0  %                     20.9  %
Gross profit                                                     29.1  %                  29.4  %                     19.7  %
Selling, distribution & administrative expense                   18.4  %                  20.5  %                      9.0  %
Operating income                                                 10.6  %                   8.9  %                     44.4  %
Net income                                                        7.6  %                   6.5  %                     41.1  %

During the quarter ended December 31, 2022, sales increased $183.4 million or
20.9% compared to the prior year quarter, with sales from acquisitions adding
$4.0 million or 0.5%, and unfavorable foreign currency translation accounting
for a decrease of $6.0 million or 0.7%. There were 61 selling days in the
quarters ended December 31, 2022 and December 31, 2021. Excluding the impact of
businesses acquired and foreign currency translation, sales were up $185.4
million or 21.1% during the quarter, driven by an increase from operations
reflecting resilient underlying demand across both segments, structural and
secular tailwinds across legacy and new markets, and support from
company-specific growth opportunities.

The following table shows changes in sales by reportable segment (amounts in

                                    Three Months Ended                                       Amount of change due to
                                       December 31,                                                   Foreign

Sprzedaż według segmentu raportowanego 2022 2021 Wzrost sprzedaży

      Acquisitions        Currency     Organic Change
Service Center Based
Distribution                    $     705.4    $   587.2    $        118.2    $           -        $      (6.0)   $        124.2
Engineered Solutions                  354.9        289.7              65.2              4.0                  -              61.2
Total                           $   1,060.3    $   876.9    $        183.4    $         4.0        $      (6.0)   $        185.4

Sales from our Service Center Based Distribution segment, which operates
primarily in MRO markets, increased $118.2 million or 20.1%. Unfavorable foreign
currency translation decreased sales by $6.0 million or 1.0%. Excluding the
impact of foreign currency translation, sales increased $124.2 million or 21.1%,
driven by an increase from operations due to benefits from break-fix MRO
activity, sales process initiatives, ongoing pricing actions, as well as secular
growth and support from supply chain investments across the U.S. manufacturing

Sales from our Engineered Solutions segment increased $65.2 million or 22.5%.
Acquisitions within this segment increased sales by $4.0 million or 1.4%.
Excluding the impact of businesses acquired, sales increased $61.2 million or
21.1%, driven by growth related to the segment's diverse end market mix, as well
as increased automation demand supported by the Company's technical and
engineering capabilities.

The following table shows changes in sales by geographic area. Other countries
includes Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore (amounts in millions).

                                            Three Months Ended                                       Amount of change due to
                                               December 31,                                                   Foreign
Sales by Geographic Area                     2022          2021      Sales Increase       Acquisitions        Currency     Organic Change
United States                           $     929.2    $   756.8    $        172.4    $         4.0        $         -    $        168.4
Canada                                         74.7         66.3               8.4                -               (4.8)             13.2
Other countries                                56.4         53.8               2.6                -               (1.2)              3.8
Total                                   $   1,060.3    $   876.9    $        183.4    $         4.0        $      (6.0)   $        185.4


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                           AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

Sales in our U.S. operations were up $172.4 million or 22.8%, as acquisitions
added $4.0 million or 0.5%. Excluding the impact of businesses acquired, U.S.
sales were up $168.4 million or 22.3%. Sales from our Canadian operations
increased $8.4 million or 12.7%. Unfavorable foreign currency translation
decreased Canadian sales by $4.8 million or 7.2%. Excluding the impact of
foreign currency translation, Canadian sales increased $13.2 million or 19.9%.
Consolidated sales from our other country operations, which include Mexico,
Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore, increased $2.6 million or 4.7% from the
prior year. Unfavorable foreign currency translation decreased other country
sales by $1.2 million or 2.2%. Excluding the impact of currency translation,
other country sales were up $3.8 million, or 6.9% during the quarter.

Our gross profit margin was 29.1% in the quarter ended December 31, 2022
compared to 29.4% in the prior year quarter. The gross profit margin for the
current year quarter was negatively impacted by 39 basis points due to a $4.2
million increase in LIFO expense over the prior year quarter driven by ongoing
inflationary impact.

Poniższa tabela przedstawia zmiany kosztów sprzedaży, dystrybucji i ogólnego zarządu (SD&A) (kwoty w milionach).

                                Three Months Ended                                         Amount of change due to
                                   December 31,                                                     Foreign
                                 2022           2021       SD&A Increase       Acquisitions         Currency      Organic Change
SD&A                       $    195.6       $   179.4    $         16.2    $         1.6         $      (1.5)   $          16.1

SD&A consists of associate compensation, benefits and other expenses associated
with selling, purchasing, warehousing, supply chain management and providing
marketing and distribution of the Company's products, as well as costs
associated with a variety of administrative functions such as human resources,
information technology, treasury, accounting, insurance, legal, and facility
related expenses. SD&A was 18.4% of sales in the quarter ended December 31, 2022
compared to 20.5% in the prior year quarter. SD&A increased $16.2 million or
9.0% compared to the prior year quarter. Changes in foreign currency exchange
rates had the effect of decreasing SD&A during the quarter ended December 31,
2022 by $1.5 million or 0.9% compared to the prior year quarter. SD&A from
businesses acquired added $1.6 million or 0.9% of SD&A expenses, including $0.2
million of intangibles amortization related to acquisitions. Excluding the
impact of businesses acquired and the favorable currency translation impact,
SD&A increased $16.1 million or 9.0% during the quarter ended December 31, 2022
compared to the prior year quarter. Excluding the impact of acquisitions, total
compensation increased $10.9 million during the quarter ended December 31, 2022
primarily due to merit increases and an increase in employee incentive
compensation correlating with the improved company performance. In addition, bad
debt expense increased $5.0 million due to provisions recorded in the current
year for customer credit risk factors related to rising interest rates primarily
in the U.S. operations of the Service Center Based Distribution segment.
Further, excluding acquisitions, travel & entertainment and fleet expenses
increased $1.3 million during the quarter ended December 31, 2022 driven by
higher fuel costs and the return of travel activity in the current quarter,
along with reduced travel activity related to COVID-19 in the prior year
quarter. All other expenses within SD&A were down $1.1 million.

Przychody operacyjne wzrosły 34,7 miliona dolarówa jako procent sprzedaży wzrósł do 10,6% z 8,9% w poprzednim kwartale roku.

Operating income, as a percentage of sales for the Service Center Based
Distribution segment increased to 12.3% in the current year quarter from 11.5%
in the prior year quarter. Operating income, as a percentage of sales for the
Engineered Solutions segment increased to 14.5% in the current year quarter from
12.6% in the prior year quarter.

Other expense (income), net was expense of $0.8 million for the quarter, which
included net other periodic benefit costs primarily related to the termination
of the qualified defined benefit retirement plan of $1.2 million and net
unfavorable foreign currency transaction losses of $0.7 million, offset by
unrealized gains on investments held by non-qualified deferred compensation
trusts of $1.1 million. During the prior year quarter, other expense (income),
net was income of $0.9 million, which included unrealized gains on investments
held by non-qualified deferred compensation trusts of $1.0 million and $0.1
million of other income, offset by $0.2 million of net unfavorable foreign
currency transaction losses.

The effective income tax rate was 24.1% for the quarter ended December 31, 2022
compared to 20.8% for the quarter ended December 31, 2021. The increase in the
effective tax rate is primarily due to a reduction in discrete favorable
adjustments during the quarter ended December 31, 2022 compared to the prior
year quarter.

As a result of the factors addressed above, net income for the quarter ended
December 31, 2022 increased $23.4 million compared to the prior year quarter.
Net income per share was $2.05 per share for the quarter ended December 31, 2022
compared to $1.46 per share in the prior year quarter.


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  Table of Contents
                           AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

Wyniki operacji

Warto przeczytać!  Klienci chcą tego, co może zaoferować DTC 3.0

Sześć miesięcy zakończonych 31 grudnia 2022 r i 2021 r

Poniższa tabela została zamieszczona w celu ułatwienia przeglądu skonsolidowanych sprawozdań finansowych Applied.

                                                                   Six Months Ended
                                                                   December 31, 2022                    Change in $'s Versus
                                                               As a Percent of Net Sales                   Prior Period -
                                                             2022                     2021                   % Increase
Net sales                                                       100.0  %                 100.0  %                     20.0  %
Gross profit                                                     29.0  %                  29.0  %                     19.9  %
Selling, distribution & administrative expense                   18.6  %                  20.4  %                      9.9  %
Operating income                                                 10.3  %                   8.6  %                     43.6  %
Net income                                                        7.4  %                   6.2  %                     43.0  %

During the six months ended December 31, 2022, sales increased $354.1 million or
20.0% compared to the prior year period, with sales from acquisitions adding
$5.7 million or 0.3% and unfavorable foreign currency translation of $10.8
million decreasing sales by 0.6%. There were 125 selling days in both the six
months ended December 31, 2022 and December 31, 2021. Excluding the impact of
businesses acquired and foreign currency translation, sales were up $359.2
million or 20.3% during the period, driven by an increase from operations
reflecting a productive U.S. manufacturing backdrop, as well as ongoing traction
with growth initiatives and backlog support.

The following table shows changes in sales by reportable segment (amounts in

                                    Six Months Ended                                      Amount of change due to
                                       December 31,                                                Foreign

Sprzedaż według segmentu raportowanego 2022 2021 Wzrost sprzedaży

    Acquisitions        Currency     Organic Change
Service Center Based
Distribution                    $ 1,423.4    $ 1,188.1    $        235.3    $           -       $     (10.8)   $        246.1
Engineered Solutions                699.3        580.5             118.8              5.7                 -             113.1
Total                           $ 2,122.7    $ 1,768.6    $        354.1    $         5.7       $     (10.8)   $        359.2

Sales from our Service Center Based Distribution segment, which operates
primarily in MRO markets, increased $235.3 million or 19.8%. Unfavorable foreign
currency translation decreased sales by $10.8 million or 0.9%. Excluding the
impact of foreign currency translation, sales increased $246.1 million or 20.7%,
driven by an increase from operations due to benefits from break-fix MRO
activity, sales process initiatives, ongoing pricing actions, as well as secular
growth and support from supply chain investments across the U.S. manufacturing

Sales from our Engineered Solutions segment increased $118.8 million or 20.5%.
Acquisitions within this segment increased sales by $5.7 million or 1.0%.
Excluding the impact of businesses acquired, sales increased $113.1 million or
19.5%, driven by growth related to the segment's diverse end market mix, as well
as increased automation demand supported by the Company's technical and
engineering capabilities.

The following table shows changes in sales by geographic area. Other countries
includes Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore (amounts in millions).

                                            Six Months Ended                                      Amount of change due to
                                               December 31,                                                Foreign
Sales by Geographic Area                    2022         2021      Sales Increase      Acquisitions        Currency     Organic Change
United States                           $ 1,850.7    $ 1,521.0    $        329.7    $         5.7       $         -    $        324.0
Canada                                      154.5        140.8              13.7                -              (7.5)             21.2
Other countries                             117.5        106.8              10.7                -              (3.3)             14.0
Total                                   $ 2,122.7    $ 1,768.6    $        354.1    $         5.7       $     (10.8)   $        359.2


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                           AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

Sales in our U.S. operations were up $329.7 million or 21.7%, as acquisitions
added $5.7 million or 0.4%. Excluding the impact of businesses acquired, U.S.
sales were up $324.0 million or 21.3%. Sales from our Canadian operations
increased $13.7 million or 9.7%. Unfavorable foreign currency translation
decreased Canadian sales by $7.5 million or 5.3%. Excluding the impact of
foreign currency translation, Canadian sales were up $21.2 million or 15.0%.
Consolidated sales from our other country operations, which include Mexico,
Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore, increased $10.7 million or 10.1% from the
prior year. Unfavorable foreign currency translation decreased other country
sales by $3.3 million or 3.1%. Excluding the impact of currency translation,
other country sales were up $14.0 million, or 13.2%, during the period.

Our gross profit margin was 29.0% in both the six months ended December 31, 2022
and in the prior year period. The gross profit margin for the current year
period was negatively impacted by 46 basis points due to a $9.7 million increase
in LIFO expense over the prior year period driven by inflation offset by
broad-based execution across the business and countermeasures in response to
ongoing inflation and supply chain dynamics.

Poniższa tabela przedstawia zmiany kosztów sprzedaży, dystrybucji i ogólnego zarządu (SD&A) (kwoty w milionach).

                                Six Months Ended                                        Amount of change due to
                                  December 31,                                                   Foreign
                               2022          2021       SD&A Increase       Acquisitions         Currency      Organic Change
SD&A                       $    395.9    $   360.2    $         35.7    $         2.4         $      (2.6)   $          35.9

SD&A consists of associate compensation, benefits and other expenses associated
with selling, purchasing, warehousing, supply chain management and providing
marketing and distribution of the Company's products, as well as costs
associated with a variety of administrative functions such as human resources,
information technology, treasury, accounting, insurance, legal, and facility
related expenses. SD&A was 18.6% of sales in the six months ended December 31,
2022 compared to 20.4% in the prior year period. SD&A increased $35.7 million or
9.9% compared to the prior year period. Changes in foreign currency exchange
rates had the effect of decreasing SD&A during the six months ended December 31,
2022 by $2.6 million or 0.7% compared to the prior year period. SD&A from
businesses acquired added $2.4 million or 0.7% of SD&A expenses, including $0.2
million of intangibles amortization related to acquisitions. Excluding the
impact of businesses acquired and the unfavorable currency translation impact,
SD&A increased $35.9 million or 9.9% during the six months ended December 31,
2022 compared to the prior year period. Excluding the impact of acquisitions,
total compensation increased $21.8 million during the six months ended December
31, 2022 as a result of merit increases and an increase in employee incentive
compensation correlating with the improved company performance. In addition, bad
debt expense increased $8.2 million due to provisions recorded in the current
year for customer credit risk factors related to rising interest rates primarily
in the U.S. operations of the Service Center Based Distribution segment.
Further, travel & entertainment and fleet expenses increased $2.6 million during
the six months ended December 31, 2022 compared to the prior year period
primarily driven by higher fuel costs in the current year and the return of
travel activity, along with reduced travel activity related to COVID-19 in the
prior year. All other expenses within SD&A were up $3.3 million.

Przychody operacyjne wzrosły 66,6 miliona dolarówa jako procent sprzedaży wzrósł do 10,3% z 8,6% w okresie poprzedniego roku.

Operating income, as a percentage of sales for the Service Center Based
Distribution segment increased to 12.3% in the current year period from 11.1% in
the prior year period. Operating income, as a percentage of sales for the
Engineered Solutions segment increased to 13.9% in the current year period from
12.3% in the prior year period.

Other expense (income), net was expense of $1.8 million for the six months ended
December 31, 2022, which included net other periodic benefit costs primarily
related to the termination of the qualified defined benefit retirement plan of
$1.3 million and net unfavorable foreign currency transaction losses of $0.9
million, offset by unrealized gains on investments held by non-qualified
deferred compensation trusts of $0.2 million and $0.2 million of other income.
During the prior year period, other expense (income), net was income of $1.2
million, which included unrealized gains on investments held by non-qualified
deferred compensation trusts of $0.9 million, net favorable foreign currency
transaction gains of $0.4 million, and $0.2 million of other income, offset by
other periodic post-employment costs of $0.3 million.

The effective income tax rate was 23.2% for the six months ended December 31,
2022 compared to 21.2% for the six months ended December 31, 2021. The increase
in the effective tax rate is primarily due to a reduction in discrete favorable
adjustments during the current year period ended December 31, 2022 compared to
the prior year period. We expect our full year tax rate for fiscal 2022 to be in
the 22.0% to 24.0% range.

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  Table of Contents
                           AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

As a result of the factors addressed above, net income for the six months ended
December 31, 2022 increased $47.3 million compared to the prior year period. Net
income was $4.02 per share for the six months ended December 31, 2022 compared
to $2.81 per share in the prior year period.

Płynność i zasoby kapitałowe

Our primary source of capital is cash flow from operations, supplemented as
necessary by bank borrowings or other sources of debt. At December 31, 2022, we
had total debt obligations outstanding of $649.4 million compared to $689.5
million at June 30, 2022. Management expects that our existing cash, cash
equivalents, funds available under the revolving credit facility, and cash
provided from operations will be sufficient to finance normal working capital
needs in each of the countries in which we operate, payment of dividends,
acquisitions, investments in properties, facilities and equipment, debt service,
and the purchase of additional Company common stock. Management also believes
that additional long-term debt and line of credit financing could be obtained
based on the Company's credit standing and financial strength.

Kapitał obrotowy Spółki na 31 grudnia 2022 r był 975,0 milionów dolaróww porównaniu do 859,9 miliona dolarów w 30 czerwca 2022 r. Bieżący stosunek wyniósł 3,2 do 1 at
31 grudnia 2022 r i 2,7 do 1 godz 30 czerwca 2022 r.

Warto przeczytać!  SEC poprosiła o pomoc w zarżnięciu dojnej krowy Digital Currency Group

Przepływy pieniężne netto

Poniższa tabela została zamieszczona w celu ułatwienia przeglądu skróconego sprawozdania ze skonsolidowanych przepływów pieniężnych Applied (kwoty w tysiącach).

                                                   Six Months Ended 

31 grudnia,

    Net Cash Provided by (Used in):                    2022                
    Operating Activities                    $        88,823                $   81,264
    Investing Activities                            (38,205)                  (28,877)
    Financing Activities                            (69,137)                 (153,443)
    Exchange Rate Effect                               (417)                   (1,846)
    Decrease in Cash and Cash Equivalents   $       (18,936)               

$ (102 902)

Przyrost środków pieniężnych z działalności operacyjnej w okresie 6 miesięcy zakończonym 31 grudnia 2022 r wynika ze zwiększonych wyników operacyjnych skompensowanych zmianami w kapitale obrotowym w okresie. Na zmiany przepływów pieniężnych pomiędzy okresami dotyczące kapitału obrotowego miały wpływ (kwoty w tys.):

Inventories        $ (31,557)
Accounts payable   $  (7,969)

Net cash used in investing activities during the six months ended December 31,
2022 increased from the prior period primarily due to $25.5 million used for the
acquisition of Automation, Inc. in the current year compared to $7.0 million
used for the acquisition of R.R. Floody in the prior year period, offset by
$14.8 million in cash payments for loans on company-owned life insurance in the
prior year.

Net cash used in financing activities during the six months ended December 31,
2022 decreased from the prior year period primarily due to a change in net debt
activity, as there was $40.1 million of debt payments in the current year period
compared to $107.8 million of net debt payments in the prior year period.
Further, the Company used $0.7 million of cash for the purchase of treasury
shares during the six months ended December 31, 2022 compared to $10.1 million
in the prior year period.

Share Repurchases

The Board of Directors has authorized the repurchase of shares of the Company's
common stock. These purchases may be made in open market and negotiated
transactions, from time to time, depending upon market conditions. During the
three months ended December 31, 2022, the Company did not acquire any shares of
treasury stock on the open market. We acquired 35,000 shares of treasury stock
on the open market in the three months ended December 31, 2021 for $3.5 million.
During the six months ended December 31, 2022, we acquired 8,000 shares of
treasury stock for $0.7 million. During the six months ended December 31, 2021,
we acquired 111,658 shares of treasury stock for $10.1 million. At December 31,
2022, we had authorization to repurchase 1,500,000 shares.


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  Table of Contents
                           AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS


A summary of long-term debt, including the current portion, follows (amounts in

                                              December 31, 2022       June 30, 2022
Revolving credit facility                    $          410,592      $      410,592
Trade receivable securitization facility                188,300             188,300
Series C notes                                                -              40,000
Series D notes                                           25,000              25,000
Series E notes                                           25,000              25,000
Other                                                       480                 603
Total debt                                   $          649,372      $      689,495
Less: unamortized debt issuance costs                       131                 171
                                             $          649,241      $      689,324

Kredyt odnawialny i kredyt terminowy

In December 2021, the Company entered into a revolving credit facility with a
group of banks to refinance the existing credit facility as well as provide
funds for ongoing working capital and other general corporate purposes. This
agreement provides a $900.0 million unsecured revolving credit facility and an
uncommitted accordion feature which allows the Company to request an increase in
the borrowing commitments, or incremental term loans, under the credit facility
in aggregate principal amounts of up to $500.0 million. Borrowings under this
agreement bear interest, at the Company's election, at either the base rate plus
a margin that ranges from 0 to 55 basis points based on net leverage ratio or
LIBOR plus a margin that ranges from 80 to 155 basis points based on the net
leverage ratio. Unused lines under this facility, net of outstanding letters of
credit of $0.2 million to secure certain insurance obligations, totaled
$489.2 million at December 31, 2022 and June 30, 2022, and were available to
fund future acquisitions or other capital and operating requirements. The
interest rate on the revolving credit facility was 5.35% and 2.81% as of
December 31, 2022 and June 30, 2022, respectively.

Dodatkowo Spółka posiadała otwarte akredytywy w odrębnych bankach, niezwiązane z umową kredytu odnawialnego, na kwotę 4,0 miliona dolarów oraz 4,7 miliona dolarów od 31 grudnia 2022 r oraz 30 czerwca 2022 rodpowiednio, w celu zabezpieczenia określonych zobowiązań ubezpieczeniowych.

Instrument sekurytyzacji należności handlowych

In August 2018, the Company established a trade receivable securitization
facility (the "AR Securitization Facility"). On March 26, 2021, the Company
amended the AR Securitization Facility to expand the eligible receivables, which
increased the maximum availability to $250.0 million and increased the fees on
the AR Securitization Facility to 0.98% per year. Availability is further
subject to changes in the credit ratings of our customers, customer
concentration levels or certain characteristics of the accounts receivable being
transferred and, therefore, at certain times, we may not be able to fully access
the $250.0 million of funding available under the AR Securitization Facility.
The AR Securitization Facility effectively increases the Company's borrowing
capacity by collateralizing a portion of the amount of the U.S. operations'
trade accounts receivable. The Company uses the proceeds from the AR
Securitization Facility as an alternative to other forms of debt, effectively
reducing borrowing costs. Borrowings under this facility carry variable interest
rates tied to LIBOR. The interest rate on the AR Securitization Facility as of
December 31, 2022 and June 30, 2022 was 5.36% and 2.60%, respectively. The
termination date of the AR Securitization Facility is March 26, 2024.

Niezabezpieczona półka

At December 31, 2022 and June 30, 2022, the Company had borrowings outstanding
under its unsecured shelf facility agreement with Prudential Investment
Management of $50.0 million and $90.0 million, respectively. Fees on this
facility range from 0.25% to 1.25% per year based on the Company's leverage
ratio at each quarter end. The "Series C" notes carried a fixed interest rate of
3.19%, and the remaining principal balance of $40.0 million was paid in July
2022. The "Series D" notes have a remaining principal amount of $25.0 million,
carry a fixed interest rate of 3.21%, and are due in October 2023. The "Series
E" notes have a principal amount of $25.0 million, carry a fixed interest rate
of 3.08%, and are due in October 2024.


————————————————– —————

  Table of Contents
                           AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

Inne pożyczki długoterminowe

In 2014, the Company assumed $2.4 million of debt as a part of the headquarters
facility acquisition. The 1.50% fixed interest rate note is held by the State of
Ohio Development Services Agency, and matures in May 2024.

The Company entered into an interest rate swap which mitigates variability in
forecasted interest payments on $384.0 million of the Company's U.S.
dollar-denominated unsecured variable rate debt. For more information, see note
6, Derivatives, to the consolidated financial statements, included in Item 1
under the caption "Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements."

The credit facility and the unsecured shelf facility contain restrictive
covenants regarding liquidity, net worth, financial ratios, and other covenants.
At December 31, 2022, the most restrictive of these covenants required that the
Company have net indebtedness less than 3.75 times consolidated income before
interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (as defined). At December 31,
2022, the Company's net indebtedness was 1.1 times consolidated income before
interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (as defined). The Company was in
compliance with all financial covenants at December 31, 2022.

Analiza należności

The following table is included to aid in analysis of accounts receivable and
the associated provision for losses on accounts receivable (amounts in
                                                                                   December 31,        June 30,
                                                                                       2022              2022
Accounts receivable, gross                                                     $        680,020     $    673,951
Allowance for doubtful accounts                                                          25,510           17,522
Accounts receivable, net                                                       $        654,510     $    656,429
Allowance for doubtful accounts, % of gross receivables                                     3.8   %          2.6  %

                                       Three Months Ended December 31,            Six Months Ended December 31,
                                             2022             2021                     2022              2021
Provision for losses on accounts
receivable                            $        5,579     $        531          $          9,573     $      1,328
Provision as a % of net sales                   0.53   %         0.06  %                   0.45   %         0.08  %

Accounts receivable are reported at net realizable value and consist of trade
receivables from customers. Management monitors accounts receivable by reviewing
Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) and the aging of receivables for each of the
Company's locations.

W ujęciu skonsolidowanym OSD wyniósł 55,6 pkt 31 grudnia 2022 r w porównaniu do 55,7 godz
30 czerwca 2022 r.

As of December 31, 2022, approximately 4.1% of our accounts receivable balances
are more than 90 days past due, compared to 3.4% at June 30, 2022. On an overall
basis, our provision for losses on accounts receivable represents 0.53% of our
sales in the three months ended December 31, 2022, compared to 0.06% of sales
for the three months ended December 31, 2021, and 0.45% of sales for the six
months ended December 31, 2022 compared to 0.08% of sales for the six months
ended December 31, 2021. The increase primarily relates to provisions recorded
in the current year for customer credit deterioration and bankruptcies primarily
in the Service Center Based Distribution segment. Historically, this percentage
is around 0.10% to 0.15%. Management believes the overall receivables aging and
provision for losses on accounts receivable are at reasonable levels.

Inventory Analysis
Inventories are valued using the last-in, first-out (LIFO) method for U.S.
inventories and the average cost method for foreign inventories.  Management
uses an inventory turnover ratio to monitor and evaluate inventory.  Management
calculates this ratio on an annual as well as a quarterly basis, and believes
that using average costs to determine the inventory turnover ratio instead of
LIFO costs provides a more useful analysis.  The annualized inventory turnover
based on average costs was 4.6 for the period ended December 31, 2022 and 4.7
for the period ended June 30, 2022.

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  Table of Contents
                           AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

Ostrzeżenie w ramach ustawy o reformie postępowania sądowego dotyczącego prywatnych papierów wartościowych

Management's Discussion and Analysis contains statements that are
forward-looking based on management's current expectations about the future.
Forward-looking statements are often identified by qualifiers, such as
"guidance", "expect", "believe", "plan", "intend", "will", "should", "could",
"would", "anticipate", "estimate", "forecast", "may", "optimistic" and
derivative or similar words or expressions. Similarly, descriptions of
objectives, strategies, plans, or goals are also forward-looking statements.
These statements may discuss, among other things, expected growth, future sales,
future cash flows, future capital expenditures, future performance, and the
anticipation and expectations of the Company and its management as to future
occurrences and trends. The Company intends that the forward-looking statements
be subject to the safe harbors established in the Private Securities Litigation
Reform Act of 1995 and by the Securities and Exchange Commission in its rules,
regulations and releases.

Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking
statements. All forward-looking statements are based on current expectations
regarding important risk factors, many of which are outside the Company's
control. Accordingly, actual results may differ materially from those expressed
in the forward-looking statements, and the making of those statements should not
be regarded as a representation by the Company or any other person that the
results expressed in the statements will be achieved. In addition, the Company
assumes no obligation publicly to update or revise any forward-looking
statements, whether because of new information or events, or otherwise, except
as may be required by law.

Important risk factors include, but are not limited to, the following: risks
relating to the operations levels of our customers and the economic factors that
affect them; continuing risks relating to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic;
inflationary or deflationary trends in the cost of products, energy, labor and
other operating costs, and changes in the prices for products and services
relative to the cost of providing them; reduction in supplier inventory purchase
incentives; loss of key supplier authorizations, lack of product availability
(such as due to supply chain strains), changes in supplier distribution
programs, inability of suppliers to perform, and transportation disruptions;
changes in customer preferences for products and services of the nature and
brands sold by us; changes in customer procurement policies and practices;
competitive pressures; our reliance on information systems and risks relating to
their proper functioning, the security of those systems, and the data stored in
or transmitted through them; the impact of economic conditions on the
collectability of trade receivables; reduced demand for our products in targeted
markets due to reasons including consolidation in customer industries; our
ability to retain and attract qualified sales and customer service personnel and
other skilled executives, managers and professionals; our ability to identify
and complete acquisitions, integrate them effectively, and realize their
anticipated benefits; the variability, timing and nature of new business
opportunities including acquisitions, alliances, customer relationships, and
supplier authorizations; the incurrence of debt and contingent liabilities in
connection with acquisitions; our ability to access capital markets as needed on
reasonable terms; disruption of operations at our headquarters or distribution
centers; risks and uncertainties associated with our foreign operations,
including volatile economic conditions, political instability, cultural and
legal differences, and currency exchange fluctuations; the potential for
goodwill and intangible asset impairment; changes in accounting policies and
practices; our ability to maintain effective internal control over financial
reporting; organizational changes within the Company; risks related to legal
proceedings to which we are a party; potentially adverse government regulation,
legislation, or policies, both enacted and under consideration, including with
respect to federal tax policy, labor policy, international trade, data privacy
and security, and government contracting; and the occurrence of extraordinary
events (including prolonged labor disputes, power outages, telecommunication
outages, terrorist acts, war, public health emergency, earthquakes, extreme
weather events, other natural disasters, fires, floods, and accidents). Other
factors and unanticipated events could also adversely affect our business,
financial condition, or results of operations. Risks can also change over time.
Further, the disclosure of a risk should not be interpreted to imply that the
risk has not already materialized.

We discuss certain of these matters and other risk factors more fully throughout
this Form 10-Q as well as other of our filings with the Securities and Exchange
Commission, including our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30,

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Warto przeczytać!  SEC poprosiła o pomoc w zarżnięciu dojnej krowy Digital Currency Group
