
CALIX, INC Dyskusja i analiza sytuacji finansowej i wyników operacyjnych kierownictwa CALIX (formularz 10-Q)

  • 24 kwietnia, 2023
  • 19 min read
CALIX, INC Dyskusja i analiza sytuacji finansowej i wyników operacyjnych kierownictwa CALIX (formularz 10-Q)

This report includes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of
Section 27A of the Securities Act and Section 21E of the Securities and Exchange
Act of 1934, as amended, or the Exchange Act. All statements other than
statements of historical facts are "forward-looking statements" for purposes of
these provisions, including any projections of earnings, revenue or other
financial items, any statement of or concerning the following: the plans and
objectives of management for future operations, proposed new products or
licensing, product development, anticipated customer demand or capital
expenditures, anticipated growth and trends in our business and industry, future
economic and/or market conditions or performance and assumptions underlying any
of the above. In some cases, forward-looking statements can be identified by the
use of terminology such as "could," "may," "will," "would," "expects,"
"believes," "intends," "plans," "anticipates," "estimates," "projects,"
"predicts," "potential," or "continue" or the negative thereof or other
comparable terminology. Readers are cautioned that these forward-looking
statements are only predictions and are subject to risks, uncertainties and
assumptions that are difficult to predict. Although we believe that the
expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements contained herein are
reasonable, there can be no assurance that such expectations or any of the
forward-looking statements will prove to be correct, and actual results could
differ materially from those projected or assumed in the forward-looking
statements. Our future financial condition and results of operations, as well as
any forward-looking statements, are subject to inherent risks and uncertainties,
including those identified in the Risk Factors discussed in Part II, Item 1A, of
this report on Form 10-Q, as well as in other sections of this report and in our
Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2022. All
forward-looking statements and reasons why results may differ included in this
Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q are made as of the date hereof, and we assume no
obligation to update these forward-looking statements or reasons why actual
results might differ.


We are the leading global provider of a broadband delivery platform (cloud,
software and systems) and managed services that enable service providers of all
types and sizes to innovate and transform their businesses. For our customers to
successfully transform their businesses into the innovative BSPs of the future,
they require actionable data for critical business functions such as network
operations, customer support and marketing. However, this data is often trapped
in disparate systems or departmental silos. Our Calix platform, which includes
Calix Cloud, Revenue EDGE and Intelligent Access EDGE, gathers, analyzes and
applies machine learning to deliver real-time insights seamlessly to each key
business function. Our customers utilize these insights and data to simplify
network operations, marketing and customer support and deliver experiences that
excite their subscribers. This enables BSPs to grow their brand through
increased subscriber acquisition, loyalty and revenue and to reduce their
operating costs, creating value for their businesses and the communities they

We market our Calix platform and managed services to communication service
providers globally through our direct sales force as well as select resellers.
Our customers range from smaller, regional service providers to some of the
world's largest service providers. We have enabled approximately 1,900 customers
purchasing directly and through partners to deploy passive optical, Active
Ethernet and point-to-point Ethernet fiber access networks.

Nasze przychody i potencjalny wzrost przychodów będą zależały od naszej zdolności do rozwijania, wprowadzania na rynek i sprzedawania naszej platformy i usług zarządzanych strategicznie ukierunkowanym klientom wszelkiego rodzaju, takim jak WISP, operatorzy światłowodów, operatorzy sieci kablowych, gminy i spółdzielnie elektryczne w Stanach Zjednoczonych i na całym świecie. Nasz rozwój jest również w dużym stopniu zależny od szybkości i gotowości klientów do przyjęcia platformy Calix i usług zarządzanych.

Revenue fluctuations result from many factors, including, but not limited to:
increases or decreases in customer orders for our products and services, market,
financial or other factors that may delay or materially impact customer
purchasing decisions, non-availability of products due to supply chain
challenges, including component and labor shortages and increasing lead times as
well as disruptions as a result of pandemics or natural disasters, contractual
terms with customers that result in delayed revenue recognition and varying
budget cycles and seasonal buying patterns of our customers. More specifically,
our customers have in the past spent less in the first quarter as they are
finalizing their annual budgets, and in certain regions, customers are
challenged by winter weather conditions that inhibit fiber deployment in outside
infrastructure. Our revenue is also dependent upon our customers' timing of
purchases, capital expenditure plans and decisions to upgrade their networks or
adopt new technologies, including adoption of our software and cloud platform
solutions, as well as our ability to grow our customer base.

Cost of revenue is strongly correlated to revenue and tends to fluctuate due to
all of the above factors that may cause revenue fluctuations. Factors that have
impacted our cost of revenue for the three months ended April 1, 2023, and that
we expect will impact cost of revenue in future periods, also include: changes
in the mix of products delivered, customer location and regional mix, changes in
the cost of our inventory, including higher costs due to materials shortages
including components, supply constraints or unfavorable changes in trade
policies, investments to support expansion of cloud and customer support
offerings as well as our customer success organization, changes in product
warranty and incurrence of retrofit costs, amortization of intangibles, asset
write-offs, support fees for silicon-related development work for our products,
allowances for obligations to our suppliers and inventory write-downs. Given the
ongoing supply-chain disruptions related to component shortages, longer

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lead times as a result of increased global demand for certain components and
disruptions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have experienced and, while
improving, are continuing to experience product supply delays and related
challenges, and we expect these delays and related challenges to persist in the
foreseeable future. In addition, we periodically elect to ship by air versus by
ocean in order to meet delivery commitments to our customers, which is more
costly. Cost of revenue also includes fixed expenses related to our internal
operations, which could increase our cost of revenue as a percentage of revenue
if our revenue declines.

Our gross profit and gross margin fluctuate based on timing of factors such as
changes in customer mix and changes in the mix of products demanded and sold
(and any related write-downs of existing inventory or accrual for supplier
commitments) and have in the past been and may be negatively impacted by
increases in mix of revenue from channel sales rather than direct sales or other
unfavorable customer or product mix, shipment volumes and any related volume
discounts, changes in our product and services costs, pricing decreases or
discounts, new product introductions or upgrades to existing products, customer
rebates and incentive programs due to competitive pressure or materials
shortages, supply constraints, investments to support expansion of cloud and
customer support offerings, tariffs or unfavorable changes in trade policies.

Our operating expenses fluctuate based on the following factors among others:
changes in headcount and personnel costs, which comprise a significant portion
of our operating expenses; variable compensation due to fluctuations in shipment
volumes or level of achievement against performance targets; timing of research
and development expenses, including investments in innovative solutions and new
customer segments, prototype builds and outsourced development resources;
investments in marketing programs; asset write-offs; investments in our business
and information technology infrastructure; and fluctuations in stock-based
compensation expenses due to timing of equity grants or other factors affecting

Further, as a result of factors contributing to the fluctuations described above
among other factors, many of which are outside our control, our quarterly
operating results fluctuate from period to period. Comparing our operating
results on a period-to-period basis may not be meaningful, and you should not
rely on our past results as an indication of our future performance.

Krytyczne zasady rachunkowości i szacunki

Our financial statements are prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP. These
accounting principles require us to make certain estimates and judgments that
can affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities as of the date of the
financial statements, as well as the reported amounts of revenue and expenses
during the periods presented. Management bases its estimates, assumptions and
judgments on historical experience and on various other factors that are
believed to be reasonable under the circumstances. To the extent there are
material differences between these estimates and actual results, our financial
statements may be affected. Our management evaluates its estimates, assumptions
and judgments on an ongoing basis.

Our critical accounting policies and estimates, which are revenue recognition,
inventory valuation and supplier purchase commitments and income taxes, are
described under "Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates" in "Management's
Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations"
included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2022.
For the three months ended April 1, 2023, there have been no significant changes
in our critical accounting policies and estimates.

Najnowsze komunikaty księgowe

There have been no additional accounting pronouncements or changes in accounting
pronouncements during the three months ended April 1, 2023 as compared to the
recent accounting pronouncements described in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for
the year ended December 31, 2022 that are significant or potentially significant
to us.

Results of Operations

Porównanie trzech miesięcy zakończonych 1 kwietnia 2023 r. i 2 kwietnia 2022 r.

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Poniższa tabela przedstawia nasze przychody (w tysiącach dolarów):

                               Three Months Ended
                                            Variance      Variance
              April 1,       April 2,          in            in
                2023           2022         Dollars       Percent
Revenue      $ 250,008      $ 184,948      $ 65,060           35  %

Our revenue increased by $65.1 million for the three months ended April 1, 2023,
respectively, as compared to the corresponding period in 2022. The increase in
revenue was primarily due to higher revenue from our growing base of small and

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medium BSP customers and the continuation of BSPs seeking to provide their
subscribers a better experience by adopting our platform and managed services.
During the second half of 2022, we added a new medium-sized customer that began
to receive significant shipments during the second half of 2022 and the three
months ended April 1, 2023.

For the three months ended April 1, 2023, revenue generated in the United States
was $227.9 million, or 91% of our revenue, compared to $165.6 million, or 90% of
our revenue for the same period in 2022. International revenue was $22.1
million, or 9% of our revenue, for the three months ended April 1, 2023, as
compared to $19.3 million, or 10% of our revenue, for the same period in 2022.

Żaden klient nie odpowiadał za więcej niż 10% przychodów Spółki w okresie trzech miesięcy zakończonym 1 kwietnia 2023 r. i 2 kwietnia 2022 r.

Zysk brutto i marża brutto

The following table sets forth our gross profit and gross margin (dollars in

                                    Three Months Ended
                                                  Variance      Variance
                    April 1,       April 2,          in            in
                      2023           2022         Dollars       Percent
Gross profit      $ 128,051       $ 91,792       $ 36,259           40  %
Gross margin           51.2  %        49.6  %

Gross profit increased to $128.1 million for the three months ended April 1,
2023, from $91.8 million during the corresponding period in 2022. The increase
in gross margin of 160 basis points for the three months ended April 1, 2023
compared to the corresponding period in 2022, was mainly due to the increase in
revenue, an increase in contributions from our software and subscription
offerings and our overall product mix.

Koszty operacyjne

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Koszty sprzedaży i marketingu

The following table sets forth our sales and marketing expenses (dollars in

                                                    Three Months Ended
                                                                 Variance      Variance
                                   April 1,       April 2,          in            in
                                     2023           2022         Dollars       Percent

Koszty sprzedaży i marketingu 51 865 USD 36 091 USD 15 774 USD

        44  %
Percent of revenue                      21  %          20  %

Sales and marketing expenses for the three months ended April 1, 2023 increased
by $15.8 million compared with the corresponding period in 2022 primarily due to
increases in personnel expenses mainly related to sales headcount and higher
sales incentive compensation of $10.6 million, stock-based compensation of $1.9
million, travel expenses of $1.4 million and marketing expenses of $0.8 million.

Oczekujemy, że nasze inwestycje w sprzedaż i marketing wzrosną w dolarach bezwzględnych, ale będą stosunkowo stałe jako procent przychodów, ponieważ poszerzamy nasz zasięg rynkowy i rozwijamy naszą działalność w celu wspierania naszych kluczowych inicjatyw strategicznych.

Wydatki na badania i rozwój

The following table sets forth our research and development expenses (dollars in

                                                         Three Months Ended
                                                                      Variance      Variance
                                        April 1,       April 2,          in            in
                                          2023           2022         Dollars       Percent
Research and development expenses      $ 43,173       $ 29,817       $ 13,356           45  %
Percent of revenue                           17  %          16  %
Percentage of gross profit                   34  %          32  %

Research and development expenses for the three months ended April 1, 2023
increased by $13.4 million as compared with the corresponding period in 2022
mainly due to increases in personnel expenses of $8.2 million, outside services
of $1.8 million, small equipment expenses of $1.3 million and depreciation and
amortization of $0.7 million.

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We expect our investments in research and development to increase in absolute
dollars, but remain relatively consistent as a percentage of gross profit, as we
seek to expand the functionality and capabilities of our platforms.

Koszty ogólnoadministracyjne

The following table sets forth our general and administrative expenses (dollars
in thousands):

                                                           Three Months Ended
                                                                        Variance      Variance
                                          April 1,       April 2,          in            in
                                            2023           2022        

Dolary Procent Koszty ogólne i administracyjne 23 077 USD 16 031 USD 7 046 USD

           44  %
Percent of revenue                              9  %           9  %

General and administrative expenses for the three months ended April 1, 2023
increased by $7.0 million as compared with the corresponding period in 2022
mainly due to increases in personnel expenses of $3.3 million, stock-based
compensation of $3.1 million and outside services of $0.8 million. We plan to
continue to invest in our information technology infrastructure and headcount
due to the growth of our business.

We expect our general and administrative investments to increase in absolute
dollars but decline slightly as a percentage of revenue over time in relation to
increased revenue.

Odsetki i inne dochody (wydatki), netto

The following table sets forth our interest and other expense, net (dollars in

                                                               Three Months Ended
                                                                            Variance      Variance
                                               April 1,      April 2,          in            in
                                                 2023          2022         Dollars       Percent
Interest and other income (expense), net      $ 1,473       $    (33)      $  1,506        4,564  %
Percent of revenue                                  1  %           -  %

Interest and other income (expense), net increased by $1.5 million as compared
with the corresponding period in 2022 mainly due to a higher rate of interest
earned on our cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities as well as a
growing cash balance.

Podatki dochodowe

Poniższa tabela przedstawia nasze podatki dochodowe (w tysiącach dolarów):

                                         Three Months Ended
                                                     Variance       Variance
                         April 1,      April 2,         in             in
                           2023          2022         Dollars       Percent
Income taxes            $ 1,811       $ 1,701       $     110            6  %
Effective tax rate         15.9  %       17.3  %

For the three months ended April 1, 2023, our income tax expense was $1.8
million for an effective tax rate of 15.9%, which differed from the statutory
rate of 21% primarily due to state taxes, the inclusion of income from certain
foreign operations and the effect of non-deductible stock-based compensation for
executive officers offset by U.S. federal research tax credits and excess tax
benefits from stock-based compensation.

Our income taxes may be subject to fluctuation during the year and in future
years as new information is obtained. This may affect the assumptions used to
estimate the annual effective tax rate, including factors such as actual results
differing from our estimates of pre-tax earnings in the various jurisdictions in
which we operate, which could impact the recognition of our deferred tax assets,
further benefits from stock option exercises, investments in our foreign
operations, the recognition or de-recognition of tax benefits related to
uncertain tax positions and changes in or the interpretation of tax laws in
jurisdictions where we conduct business.

Płynność i zasoby kapitałowe

Historically, we have funded our operations and investing activities primarily
through sales of our common stock, cash flow generated from operations and
various borrowing arrangements. For the past few years, we have generated cash
flow from our operations as our business has grown. As of April 1, 2023, we had
cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities of $257.1 million, which
consisted of deposits held at banks and major financial institutions and highly
liquid marketable securities such as U.S. government agency securities and
commercial paper.

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Działalność operacyjna

Net cash provided by operating activities was $8.1 million for the three months
ended April 1, 2023 and consisted of net income of $9.6 million and non-cash
charges of $18.6 million offset by cash flow decreases of $20.0 million
reflected in the net change in assets and liabilities. Non-cash charges
primarily consisted of stock-based compensation of $16.2 million and
depreciation and amortization of $3.7 million.

Cash flow decreases resulting from the net change in assets and liabilities
primarily consisted of a decrease in accrued liabilities of $12.3 million due to
the payout of incentive compensation and payments related to our Calix
ConneXions 2022 Customer Success and Innovation conference; an increase in
inventory of $7.4 million to improve our responsiveness to our BSPs' subscriber
demand; a decrease in accounts payable of $5.9 million due to the timing of
inventory purchases; and an increase in prepaid expenses and other assets of
$7.1 million mainly due to the renewal of a software contract and
reclassification of contract assets from deferred revenue. These changes were
partially offset by a decrease in accounts receivable of $1.6 million due to
continued strong shipment linearity and an increase in deferred revenue of $11.0
million primarily due to our platform subscriptions and support contracts and
reclassification of contract assets to prepaid expenses and other assets.

Net cash provided by operating activities was $7.4 million for the three months
ended April 2, 2022 and consisted of net income of $8.1 million partially offset
by non-cash charges of $14.7 million and cash flow decreases of $15.4 million
reflected in the net change in assets and liabilities. Non-cash charges
primarily consisted of stock-based compensation of $10.5 million and
depreciation and amortization of $3.9 million. Cash flow decreases resulting
from the net change in assets and liabilities primarily consisted of an increase
in inventory of $16.1 million to support revenue growth and to mitigate supply
chain shortages and disruptions and an increase in accounts receivable of $2.7
million in line with our revenue growth. In addition, there was an increase in
prepaid expenses and other assets of $6.7 million mainly due to advanced
payments to supply chain partners and a decrease in total accrued liabilities of
$2.0 million. These changes were partially offset by an increase in accounts
payable of $8.2 million due to increased inventory purchases and an increase in
deferred revenue of $4.0 million primarily due to our platform subscriptions and
support contracts.

Investing Activity

For the three months ended April 1, 2023, cash used in investing activities of
$3.3 million consisted of net purchases of marketable securities of $1.3 million
and capital expenditures of $4.6 million, consisting primarily of purchases of
test and computer equipment.

W okresie trzech miesięcy zakończonym 2 kwietnia 2022 r. środki pieniężne wykorzystane w działalności inwestycyjnej w wysokości 20,1 mln USD składały się z zakupów netto zbywalnych papierów wartościowych w wysokości 16,9 mln USD oraz nakładów inwestycyjnych w wysokości 3,2 mln USD, obejmujących głównie zakupy sprzętu testowego i sprzętu komputerowego.

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Działania finansowe

Net cash provided by financing activities of $10.2 million for the three months
ended April 1, 2023 primarily consisted of proceeds from the issuance of common
stock related to our equity plans of $12.5 million. This was partially offset by
repurchases of common stock of $1.2 million and payments related to a financing
arrangement of $1.1 million.

Net cash provided by financing activities of $5.9 million for the three months
ended April 2, 2022 primarily consisted of proceeds from the issuance of common
stock related to our equity plans.

Potrzeby w zakresie kapitału obrotowego i nakładów kapitałowych

Our material cash commitments include non-cancelable firm purchase commitments,
normal recurring trade payables, compensation-related and expense accruals,
operating leases and revenue-share obligations. We believe that our outsourced
approach to manufacturing provides us significant flexibility in both managing
inventory levels and financing our inventory. Furthermore, in July 2022, our
Board of Directors authorized a one-year stock repurchase program for up to $100
million of our common stock. During the three months ended April 1, 2023,
repurchases of $1.2 million were made under the program. Our stock repurchase
program does not require us to purchase a specific number of shares and may be
modified, suspended or terminated at any time.

We believe, based on our current operating plan and expected operating cash
flows, that our existing cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities will
be sufficient to meet our anticipated cash needs for at least the next twelve
months. If we are unable to generate sufficient cash flows or obtain other
sources of liquidity, we will be forced to terminate our repurchase program,
limit our development activities, reduce our investment in growth initiatives
and institute cost-cutting measures, all of which may adversely impact our
business and potential growth.

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Spis treści

Zobowiązania umowne i zobowiązania

Our principal commitments as of April 1, 2023 consisted of our contractual
obligations under non-cancelable outstanding purchase obligations, operating
lease obligations for office space and a revenue share obligation. The following
table summarizes our contractual obligations as of April 1, 2023 (in thousands):

                                                                            Payments Due by Period
                                                              Less Than 1                                               More Than 5
                                             Total               Year             1-3 Years          3-5 Years             Years
Non-cancelable purchase commitments
(1)                                       $ 361,680          $  244,587     

99.340 $ 11.394 $ 6.359 Zobowiązania z tytułu leasingu operacyjnego (2)

              14,155               4,805              7,797              1,553                   -
Revenue share obligation (3)                 10,743              10,743                  -                  -                   -
                                          $ 386,578          $  260,135          $ 107,137          $  12,947          $    6,359

(1) Reprezentuje zaległe zobowiązania do zakupu, które mają być dostarczone przez naszych zewnętrznych producentów lub innych dostawców. Patrz Nota 6, „Zobowiązania i zobowiązania warunkowe” w informacji dodatkowej do skróconego skonsolidowanego sprawozdania finansowego zawartej w części I, punkt 1 niniejszego raportu kwartalnego na formularzu 10-Q, aby uzyskać dalsze omówienie naszych zaległych zobowiązań do zakupu związanych z naszymi zewnętrznymi producentami.

(2) Future minimum operating lease obligations in the table above primarily
include payments for our office locations, which expire at various dates through
2028. See Note 6 "Commitments and Contingencies" of the Notes to Condensed
Consolidated Financial Statements included in Part I, Item 1 of this Quarterly
Report on Form 10-Q for further discussion regarding our operating leases.

(3) Represents remaining payments related to a revenue-share obligation,
including imputed interest associated with developed software product and
related enhancements by an engineering service provider. See Note 5 "Balance
Sheet Details" of the Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements
included in Part I, Item 1 of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for further
discussion regarding our outstanding liability.

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