

  • 27 kwietnia, 2023
  • 14 min read

Ostatnie zmiany

Łańcuch dostaw, inflacja, praca, popyt konsumpcyjny i konkurencja

We continue to experience some adverse supply chain related impacts to our
business, including raw material and labor shortages and interruptions. These
negative impacts continue to result in some difficulty meeting consumer demand,
particularly related to vitamins and our STERIMAR nasal congestion relief
products. In addition, these negative impacts together with significant
broad-based cost inflation and higher interest rates have affected input costs
and consumer behavior. While conditions are improving and we expect pricing and
productivity to offset inflation in the near term, we expect some raw material
and labor shortages and input cost inflation to continue.

In addition, our Specialty Products business has been negatively impacted by the
entrance of new foreign competition in the United States dairy market. We expect
that low-priced imports will continue to enter the market.

Dodatkowe omówienie tego, w jaki sposób zaspokajamy zapotrzebowanie klientów detalicznych na określone kategorie i zmniejszony popyt konsumentów na marki uznaniowe, a także niższy wzrost i zwiększoną konkurencję w kategorii witamin, można znaleźć w Omówieniu i analizie kondycji finansowej i wyników działalności kierownictwa w naszym raporcie rocznym na formularzu 10-K.

Looking forward, the impact that these challenges will continue to have on our
operational and financial performance will depend on future developments,
including inflationary impacts, retail customers' acceptance of all or a portion
of any price increases, our continued ability to obtain an adequate supply of
products and materials, the spread and severity of new COVID-19 variants, and
the long-term impact of vaccines. Additionally, we may be impacted by our
ability to recruit and retain a workforce and engage third-parties to
manufacture and distribute our products, as well as any future government
actions affecting employers and employees, consumers and the economy in general.
The impact of any of these potential future developments are uncertain and
difficult to predict considering the rapidly evolving landscape.

We are monitoring the impact of both inflation and recessionary indicators
including the effect of corresponding government actions, such as raising
interest rates to counteract inflation, that may negatively impact consumer
spending, and how these factors will potentially influence future cash flows for
the short and long term. While we expect that many of these effects will be
transitory and that our value focused portfolio positions us well in
inflationary and slowing economic environments, it is impossible to predict
their impact.

Results of Operations

                              Consolidated results

                                    Three Months Ended         Change vs.        Three Months Ended
                                      March 31, 2023           Prior Year          March 31, 2022
Net Sales                          $            1,429.8           10.2%         $            1,297.2
Gross Profit                       $              622.0           12.6%         $              552.5
Gross Margin                                       43.5 %   +90 basis points                    42.6 %
Marketing Expenses                 $              122.3           20.0%         $              101.9
Percent of Net Sales                                8.6 %   +70 basis points                     7.9 %
Selling, General & Administrative  $              207.8           22.3%         $              169.9


Percent of Net Sales                               14.5 %   +140 basis points                   13.1 %
Income from Operations             $              291.9           4.0%          $              280.7
Operating Margin                                   20.4 %   -120 basis points                   21.6 %
Net income per share - Diluted     $               0.82           -1.2%         $               0.83


Net Sales

Net sales for the quarter ended March 31, 2023 were $1,429.8, an increase of
$132.6 or 10.2% as compared to the same period in 2022. The components of the
net sales increase are as follows:
                                    Three Months Ended
                                        March 31,
Net Sales - Consolidated                   2023
Product volumes sold                                 (- %)
Pricing/Product mix                                 5.7 %
Foreign exchange rate fluctuations                 (0.7 %)
Acquired product lines (1)                          5.2 %
Net Sales increase                                 10.2 %


13 października 2022 r. zakończyliśmy pozyskiwanie bohaterów. Hero jest uwzględniany w naszych wynikach od daty przejęcia.

For the three months ended March 31, 2023, the volume change reflects increased
product unit sales in the Consumer International segment, offset by decreased
product unit sales in the Consumer Domestic and the SPD segments. For the three
months ended March 31, 2023, price/mix was favorable in all three segments.

Zysk brutto / Marża brutto

Our gross profit was $622.0 for the three months ended March 31, 2023, a $69.5
increase as compared to the same period in 2022. Gross margin increased 90 basis
points ("bps") in the first quarter of 2023 compared to the same period in 2022,
due to favorable price/mix/volume of 160 bps, the impact of productivity
programs of 160 bps, business acquisition mix benefits of 120 bps, lower
transportation costs of 70 bps, and favorable foreign exchange of 10 bps, offset
by the impact of higher manufacturing costs, including labor, of 360 bps, and
higher commodities of 70 bps.

Operating Expenses

Marketing expenses for the three months ended March 31, 2023 were $122.3, an
increase of $20.4 or 20.0% as compared to the same period in 2022. Marketing
expenses as a percentage of net sales in the first quarter of 2023 increased by
70 bps to 8.6% as compared to 7.9% in the same period in 2022 due to 140 bps on
higher expense, as we increased marketing spend as fill rates improved, offset
by 70 bps of leverage on higher net sales.

SG&A expenses were $207.8 in the first quarter of 2023, an increase of $37.9 or
22.3% as compared to the same period in 2022. SG&A as a percentage of net sales
increased 140 bps to 14.5% in the first quarter of 2023 as compared to 13.1% in
the same period in 2022. The increase is due to 260 bps on higher expenses,
offset by 120 bps of leverage associated with higher sales. The higher expenses
for the three-month period ended March 31, 2023 are primarily due to expenses
related to the Hero Acquisition.

Pozostałe koszty (przychody) netto były wartością nominalną za trzy miesiące zakończone 31 marca 2023 i 2022 roku.

Interest expense for the three months ended March 31, 2023 increased $12.2 to
$28.8, as compared to the same period in 2022, primarily due to higher interest

Income Taxes

The effective tax rate for the three months ended March 31, 2023 was 24.4%,
compared to 23.2% in the same period in 2022. The increase in the tax rate is
primarily due to lower stock option exercises and non-deductible compensation
expense related to the restricted stock issued for the Hero Acquisition.


Wyniki segmentu

We operate three reportable segments: Consumer Domestic, Consumer International
and SPD. These segments are determined based on differences in the nature of
products and organizational structure. We also have a Corporate segment.
Segment                   Products
Consumer Domestic         Household and personal care products
Consumer International    Primarily personal care products
SPD                       Specialty chemical products

The Corporate segment income consists of equity in earnings of affiliates. As of
March 31, 2023, we held 50% ownership interests in each of Armand and ArmaKleen,
respectively. Our equity in earnings of Armand and ArmaKleen, totaled $4.4 and
$2.4 for the three months ended March 31, 2023 and 2022, respectively, and are
included in the Corporate segment. Certain subsidiaries that are included in the
Consumer International segment manufacture and sell personal care products to
the Consumer Domestic segment. These sales are eliminated from the Consumer
International segment results set forth below.

Sprzedaż netto segmentu i dochód przed opodatkowaniem za trzy miesiące zakończone 31 marca 2023 i 31 marca 2022 przedstawiają się następująco:

                                     Consumer         Consumer
                                     Domestic       International        SPD       Corporate(3)        Total
Net Sales(1)
First Quarter of 2023                $ 1,116.9     $         230.6     $  82.3     $         0.0     $ 1,429.8
First Quarter of 2022                    995.1               214.6        87.5               0.0       1,297.2

Income before Income Taxes(2)
First Quarter of 2023                $   228.7     $          28.9     $   6.8     $         4.4     $   268.8
First Quarter of 2022                    222.7                29.6        11.5               2.4         266.2

Intersegment sales from Consumer International to Consumer Domestic, which are
not reflected in the table, were $3.6 and $4.8 for the three months ended March
31, 2023 and March 31, 2022, respectively.


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Przy ustalaniu dochodu przed opodatkowaniem, koszty odsetek, dochody z inwestycji oraz niektóre aspekty innych przychodów i kosztów zostały przydzielone do segmentów na podstawie względnego dochodu z działalności operacyjnej każdego segmentu.


Segment korporacyjny obejmuje udziały w zyskach jednostek stowarzyszonych Armand i ArmaKleen za trzy miesiące zakończone 31 marca 2023 roku i 31 marca 2022 roku.

Przychody linii produktowych od klientów zewnętrznych przedstawiają się następująco:

                                Three Months Ended
                             March 31,      March 31,
                                2023           2022
Household Products           $    601.6     $    520.5
Personal Care Products            515.3          474.6

Konsumpcja krajowa ogółem 1116,9 995,1 Konsumpcja międzynarodowa ogółem 230,6 214,6 SPD ogółem

                          82.3           87.5

Całkowita skonsolidowana sprzedaż netto 1 429,8 USD 1 297,2 USD

Household Products include laundry, deodorizing, and cleaning products. Personal
Care Products include condoms, pregnancy kits, oral care products, skin care and
hair care products, cold and remedy products, and gummy dietary supplements.


Konsument krajowy

Konsumencka sprzedaż krajowa netto w pierwszym kwartale 2023 r. wyniosła 1116,9 USD, co oznacza wzrost o 121,8 USD, czyli 12,2% w porównaniu z tym samym okresem w 2022 r. Składniki zmiany sprzedaży netto są następujące:

                               Three Months Ended
                                   March 31,
Net Sales - Consumer Domestic         2023
Product volumes sold                          (0.9 %)
Pricing/Product mix                            6.4 %
Acquired product lines (1)                     6.7 %
Net Sales increase                            12.2 %


Hero jest uwzględniany w naszych wynikach od daty przejęcia.

The increase in net sales for the three months ended March 31, 2023, reflects
the impact of the Hero Acquisition, ARM & HAMMER® Liquid Detergent, ARM &
HAMMER® Cat Litter, THERABREATH® mouth wash, and XTRA® Liquid Detergent
partially offset by declines in VITAFUSION® and L'IL CRITTERS® gummy vitamins,
FINISHING TOUCH FLAWLESS® Hair Removal Products, and WATERPIK® Shower Heads.

Consumer Domestic income before income taxes for the first quarter of 2023 was
$228.7, an increase of $6.0 as compared to the first quarter of 2022. The
increase is due primarily to favorable price/mix of $55.8 and the impact of
higher sales volumes of $27.0, offset by higher SG&A expenses of $35.9, higher
marketing expenses of $19.3, higher manufacturing and distribution expenses of
$11.6 and higher interest and other expenses of $9.9.

Konsument międzynarodowy

Consumer International net sales were $230.6 in the first quarter of 2023, an
increase of $16.0 or 7.5% as compared to the same period in 2022. The components
of the net sales change are the following:
                                    Three Months Ended
                                        March 31,
Net Sales - Consumer International         2023
Product volumes sold                                6.8 %
Pricing/Product mix                                 4.8 %
Foreign exchange rate fluctuations                 (4.1 %)
Net Sales increase                                  7.5 %

Excluding the impact of foreign exchange rates, sales growth is driven by
BATISTE, VITAFUSION® and L'IL CRITTERS® gummy vitamins and FEMFRESH in the
Global Markets Group ("GMG") business, BATISTE and GRAVOL in Canada, BATISTE in
Australia and in Europe and ARM & HAMMER® Liquid Detergent and STERIMAR in


Consumer International income before income taxes was $28.9 in the first quarter
of 2023, an $0.7 decrease as compared to the first quarter of 2022. Higher
manufacturing and commodity costs of $11.2, higher SG&A expenses of $2.5,
unfavorable foreign exchange rates of $1.6, higher marketing expenses of $0.6,
and higher interest and other expenses of $0.7, were partially offset by a
favorable price/mix of $9.2 and the impact of higher sales volumes of $6.8.

Produkty specjalne („SPD”)

SPD net sales were $82.3 in the first quarter of 2023, a decrease of $5.2 or
5.9% as compared to the same period in 2022. The components of the net sales
change are the following:

                      Three Months Ended
                          March 31,
Net Sales - SPD              2023
Product volumes sold                 (7.5 %)
Pricing/Product mix                   1.6 %
Net Sales decrease                   (5.9 %)

Sprzedaż netto spadła w pierwszym kwartale 2023 r. głównie z powodu konkurencyjnego importu w naszym krajowym segmencie mleczarskim.

SPD income before income taxes was $6.8 in the first quarter of 2023, a decrease
of $4.7 as compared to the same period in 2022, due to higher SG&A costs of
$2.2, the impact of lower sales volumes of $2.1, unfavorable manufacturing costs
of $0.9 and higher marketing expenses of $0.6, offset by favorable price/product
mix of $1.4.


The Corporate segment includes equity in earnings of affiliates from Armand and
ArmaKleen in the three months of 2023 and 2022. The Corporate segment income
before income taxes was $4.4 in the first quarter of 2023, as compared to $2.4
in the same period in 2022.


Płynność i zasoby kapitałowe

On June 16, 2022, we entered into a credit agreement (the "Credit Agreement")
that provides for our $1,500.0 unsecured revolving credit facility (the
"Revolving Credit Facility") that matures on June 16, 2027, unless extended. The
Credit Agreement replaced our prior $1,000.0 unsecured revolving credit facility
maturing on March 29, 2024 that was entered into on March 29, 2018. We have the
ability to increase our borrowing up to an additional $750.0, subject to lender
commitments and certain conditions as described in the Credit Agreement.
Borrowings under the Credit Agreement are available for general corporate
purposes and are used to support our $1,500.0 commercial paper program.

As of March 31, 2023, we had $202.8 in cash and cash equivalents, and
approximately $1,480.0 available through the Revolving Credit Facility and our
commercial paper program. To preserve our liquidity, we invest cash primarily in
government money market funds, prime money market funds, short-term commercial
paper and short-term bank deposits.

W pierwszym kwartale 2023 r. spłaciliśmy 200,0 USD z naszej pożyczki terminowej w wysokości 400,0 USD należnej 22 grudnia 2024 r. Gotówką w kasie i pożyczkami w formie papierów komercyjnych.

The current economic environment presents risks that could have adverse
consequences for our liquidity. See "Unfavorable economic conditions could
adversely affect demand for our products" under "Risk Factors" in Item 1A of the
Form 10-K. We continue to manage all aspects of our business including, but not
limited to, monitoring the financial health of our customers, suppliers and
other third-party relationships, implementing gross margin enhancement
strategies and developing new opportunities for growth. We do not anticipate
that current economic conditions will adversely affect our ability to comply
with the financial covenant in the Credit Agreement because we currently are,
and anticipate that we will continue to be, in compliance with the maximum
leverage ratio requirement under the Credit Agreement.
On October 28, 2021, the Board authorized a new share repurchase program, under
which we may repurchase up to $1,000.0 in shares of Common Stock (the "2021
Share Repurchase Program"). The 2021 Share Repurchase Program does not have an
expiration and replaced the 2017 Share Repurchase Program. The 2021 Share
Repurchase Program did not modify our evergreen share repurchase program,
authorized by the Board on January 29, 2014, under which we may repurchase, from
time to time, Common Stock to reduce or eliminate dilution associated with
issuances of Common Stock under its incentive plans.
As of March 31, 2023, there remains $729.7 of share repurchase availability
under the 2021 Share Repurchase Program.

On February 1, 2023, the Board declared a 4% increase in the regular quarterly
dividend from $0.2625 to $0.2725 per share, equivalent to an annual dividend of
$1.09 per share payable to stockholders of record as of February 15, 2023. The
increase raises the annual dividend payout from $255.0 to approximately $265.0.
We anticipate that our cash from operations, together with our current borrowing
capacity, will be sufficient to fund our share repurchase programs, pay debt and
interest as it comes due, fund dividends, and meet our capital expenditure
program costs. Capital expenditures in 2023 are expected to be approximately
$250.0 primarily for manufacturing capacity investments in laundry, litter and
vitamins to support expected future sales growth. Cash, together with our
current borrowing capacity, may be used for acquisitions that would complement
our existing product lines or geographic markets.

Cash Flow Analysis

                                              Three Months Ended
                                          March 31,       March 31,
                                             2023           2022

Środki pieniężne netto z działalności operacyjnej $ 273,1 $ 152,8 Środki pieniężne netto z działalności inwestycyjnej $ (29,6 ) $ (15,7 ) Środki pieniężne netto z działalności finansowej $ (311,7 ) $ (202,6 )

Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities - Our primary source of liquidity is
the cash flow provided by operating activities, which is dependent on net income
and changes in working capital. Our net cash provided by operating activities in
the first three months ended March 31, 2023 increased by $120.3 to $273.1 as
compared to $152.8 in the same period in 2022 due to an improvement in working
capital and an increase in cash earnings (net income adjusted for non-cash
items). The improvement in working capital is primarily related to lower
investment in inventory for our discretionary brands and lower incentive
compensation payments in 2023. We measure working capital effectiveness based on
our cash conversion cycle. The following table presents our cash conversion
cycle information for the quarters ended March 31, 2023 and 2022:


                                                              As of
                                               March 31, 2023       March 31, 2022       Change
Days of sales outstanding in accounts
receivable ("DSO")                                          27                   28            (1 )
Days of inventory outstanding ("DIO")                       72                   69             3
Days of accounts payable outstanding ("DPO")                73                   80             7
Cash conversion cycle                                       26                   17             9

Our cash conversion cycle (defined as the sum of DSO and DIO less DPO) which is
calculated using a two-period average method, increased nine days from the prior
year. We continue to focus on reducing our working capital requirements.
Net Cash Used in Investing Activities - Net cash used in investing activities
during the first three months of 2023 was $29.6, primarily reflecting $25.0 for
property, plant and equipment additions. Net cash used in investing activities
during the first three months of 2022 was $15.7, primarily reflecting $15.6 for
property, plant and equipment additions.

Net Cash Used in Financing Activities - Net cash used in financing activities
during the first three months of 2023 was $311.7 reflecting $255.6 of net debt
payments, $66.3 of cash dividend payments, partially offset by $10.2 of proceeds
from stock option exercises. Net cash used in financing activities during the
first three months of 2022 was $202.6, reflecting $149.9 of net debt payments
and $63.7 of cash dividend payments, partially offset by $11.0 of proceeds from
stock option exercises.

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