
LL FLOORING HOLDINGS, INC. Dyskusja kierownictwa i analiza sytuacji finansowej i wyników operacji. (formularz 10-Q)

  • 8 maja, 2023
  • 23 min read
LL FLOORING HOLDINGS, INC. Dyskusja kierownictwa i analiza sytuacji finansowej i wyników operacji.  (formularz 10-Q)

Uwaga dotycząca oświadczeń dotyczących przyszłości

This report includes statements of the Company's expectations, intentions, plans
and beliefs that constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meanings of
the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements, which
may be identified by words such as "may," "will," "should," "expects,"
"intends," "plans," "anticipates," "assumes," "believes," "thinks," "estimates,"
"seeks," "predicts," "could," "projects," "targets," "potential," "will likely
result," and other similar terms and phrases, are based on the beliefs of the
Company's management, as well as assumptions made by, and information currently
available to, the Company's management as of the date of such statements. These
statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, all of which are difficult to
predict and many of which are beyond the Company's control. These risks include,
without limitation, the impact of any of the following:

zmniejszone wydatki konsumpcyjne z powodu wolniejszego wzrostu, recesji gospodarczej, inflacji, wyższych stóp procentowych i nastrojów konsumentów;

nasza reklama i ogólna strategia marketingowa, w tym przewidywanie trendów konsumenckich i zwiększanie świadomości marki;

utrzymujący się okres inflacji wpływający na wydatki konsumpcyjne;

nasza niezdolność do realizacji naszych kluczowych inicjatyw lub jeśli takie kluczowe inicjatywy nie przynoszą pożądanych rezultatów;

stock price volatility;

konkurencja, w tym alternatywne oferty handlu elektronicznego;

zmiany płynności i/lub zasobów kapitałowych oraz wpływ wszelkich zmian lub ograniczeń, w tym między innymi zdolność do pożyczania środków i/lub odnawiania lub rolowania istniejącego zadłużenia;

dostępność transportu i koszty, w tym wpływ wojny w
Ukraina oraz europejscy dostawcy Spółki;

zakłócenia w łańcuchu dostaw i dostępności produktów związane z pracą przymusową i innymi przepisami handlowymi, w tym w odniesieniu do ustawy o zapobieganiu pracy przymusowej Ujgurów („UFLPA”);

niezdolność do zatrudniania i/lub zatrzymywania pracowników;

niezdolność do przechowywania pracowników ze względu na ogólną presję na rynku pracy;

wyniki postępowań sądowych i ich wpływ na płynność;

szkoda reputacyjna;

niemożność otwarcia nowych sklepów, znalezienia odpowiednich lokalizacji dla naszego nowego konceptu sklepów i sfinansowania innych nakładów inwestycyjnych;

zarządzanie wzrostem;

zakłócenia w naszej zdolności do dystrybucji naszych produktów, w tym z powodu trudnych warunków pogodowych;

operating an office in China;

utrzymujące się i potencjalne przyszłe skutki pandemii COVID-19 i związanych z nią kwestii zdrowia publicznego;

zarządzanie zewnętrznymi instalatorami i firmami dostarczającymi produkty;

odnawianie najmu sklepu, magazynu lub innej firmy;

utrzymywanie optymalnych zapasów dla potrzeb konsumentów;

zgodność nasza i naszych dostawców ze złożonymi i zmieniającymi się zasadami, regulacjami i prawami na poziomie federalnym, stanowym i lokalnym;

nadmierne poleganie na dostawcach z ograniczonym lub wyłącznym źródłem;

uszkodzenie naszych aktywów;

dostępność odpowiedniego drewna liściastego, w tym zakłócenia spowodowane skutkami trudnych warunków pogodowych i ograniczeń w łańcuchu dostaw;


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Spis treści

roszczenia z tytułu odpowiedzialności za produkt, roszczenia dotyczące uzasadnienia marketingowego, roszczenia dotyczące wynagrodzenia i godzin oraz inne roszczenia dotyczące pracy i zatrudnienia;

wystarczająca ochrona ubezpieczeniowa, w tym ubezpieczenie cybernetyczne;

zakłócenia spowodowane zagrożeniami dla bezpieczeństwa cybernetycznego, w tym wszelkie skutki incydentu związanego z bezpieczeństwem sieci;

the handling of confidential customer information, including the impacts from
the California Consumer Privacy Act and other applicable data privacy laws and

zakłócenia systemów informacji zarządczej;

pozyskiwania produktów w kraju i zagranicą, w tym cła i opóźnienia w spedycji i transporcie, a także skutki ceł antydumpingowych i wyrównawczych;

impact of changes in accounting guidance, including implementation guidelines
and interpretations related to Environmental, Social, and Governance ("ESG")

internal controls; and

anti-takeover provisions.

Informacje dotyczące ryzyka i niepewności zawarte są w raportach Spółki przekazywanych do Urzędu Skarbowego SEKw tym punkt 1A, „Czynniki ryzyka”, część niniejszego raportu kwartalnego oraz formularz 10K za rok zakończony 31 grudnia 2022 r.

This management discussion should be read in conjunction with the financial
statements and notes included in Part I, Item 1. "Financial Statements" of this
quarterly report and the audited financial statements and notes and management
discussion included in the Company's annual report filed on Form 10­K for the
year ended December 31, 2022.


LL Flooring is one of the leading specialty retailers of hard-surface flooring
in the U.S. with 443 stores as of March 31, 2023. Our Company seeks to offer the
best customer experience online and in stores, with more than 500 varieties of
hard-surface floors featuring a range of quality styles and on-trend designs.
Our online tools also help empower customers to find the right solution for the
space they've envisioned. Our extensive selection includes waterproof hybrid
resilient, waterproof vinyl plank, solid and engineered hardwood, laminate,
bamboo, tile, and cork, with a wide range of flooring enhancements and
accessories to complement. Our stores are staffed with flooring experts who
provide advice, Pro partnership services and installation options for all our
products, the majority of which are in stock and ready for delivery. Our vision
is to be the customers' first choice in hard-surface flooring by providing the
best experience, from start to finish. We offer the accessible flooring
expertise and high-touch service of a local store, combined with the value,
omnichannel convenience and product availability of a national brand. We plan to
leverage this advantage to differentiate ourselves in the highly fragmented
flooring market.

To supplement the financial measures prepared in accordance with U.S. generally
accepted accounting principles (GAAP), the Company uses the following non-GAAP
financial measures: (i) Adjusted Gross Profit; (ii) Adjusted Gross Margin; (iii)
Adjusted SG&A; (iv) Adjusted SG&A as a Percentage of Net Sales; (v) Adjusted
Operating (Loss) Income; (vi) Adjusted Operating Margin; (vii) Adjusted Other
Expense; (viii) Adjusted Other Expense as a Percentage of Net Sales; (ix)
Adjusted (Loss) Earnings; and (x) Adjusted (Loss) Earnings per Diluted Share.
These non-GAAP financial measures should be viewed in addition to, and not in
lieu of, financial measures calculated in accordance with GAAP. These
supplemental measures may vary from, and may not be comparable to, similarly
titled measures by other companies.

The non-GAAP financial measures are presented because we believe the non-GAAP
financial measures provide useful information to management and investors
regarding certain financial and business trends related to our financial
condition and results of operations, These measures provide an additional tool
for investors to use in evaluating our ongoing operating performance, and
management, in certain cases, uses them to determine incentive compensation. The
presented non-GAAP financial measures exclude items that management does not
believe reflect our core operating performance, which include incremental costs
of sales and associated legal costs related to disruptions to supply chain and
other trade regulations and changes in antidumping and countervailing duties, as
such items are outside of our control or due to their inherent unusual,
non-operating, unpredictable, non-recurring, or non-cash nature. Reconciliations
of these non-GAAP financial measures are provided on the pages that follow
(certain numbers may not sum due to rounding).


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Spis treści

Podsumowanie wykonawcze

LL Flooring's first quarter was very challenging and our performance primarily
reflected the impact the difficult macro backdrop had on discretionary home
improvement spending. In addition, we continue to experience pressure from brand
awareness and operational challenges that impacted first quarter results.
Despite the near-term volatility, we remain focused on areas of improvement that
will help stabilize our results and drive long-term growth opportunities. These
include further broadening and growing our brand awareness among consumers to
drive traffic; ensuring a consistent customer experience across our omnichannel
network to improve conversion; and improving operating efficiencies by actively
working to reduce costs while focusing investments on our top growth priorities.
Importantly, we continued to execute on these areas during the quarter.

As we look to the remainder of 2023, we expect the macro backdrop to remain
challenging as elevated inflation and higher interest rates drive a more
cautious consumer and pressure higher ticket discretionary purchases. In the
near term, these factors have limited our sales visibility. Looking beyond 2023,
we remain confident the long-term fundamentals of our business are strong. As we
continue to work on each of our strategic priorities, we remain focused on
delivering long-term sustainable growth as a leading specialty flooring

Najnowsze opracowanie: Aktualizacja winylu

In February 2023, U.S. Customs and Border Protection ("CBP") added aluminum and
polyvinyl chloride ("PVC") to a list of categories including cotton, tomatoes
and polysilicon for which CBP has the ability to request additional
documentation from importers under the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act
("UFLPA"). During the first quarter, CBP began to request additional
documentation with respect to the UFLPA for some shipments of vinyl flooring
originating from Vietnam.

We require our vendors to follow our strict guidelines on responsible sourcing,
we obtain periodic certifications from them concerning compliance with these
standards and we perform audit procedures of their supply chain documentation.
While CBP is continuing to detain shipments within the vinyl product category,
and we are diligently working to provide additional documentation that they are
requesting, we do not know how long their review of the documentation will take
or when these delays will be resolved.

W pierwszym kwartale 2023 roku mieliśmy do czynienia z ciągłymi opóźnieniami, w wyniku których
2,4 miliona dolarów wydatków przyrostowych.

We're continuing to work to mitigate the disruptions by featuring alternative
products in our current assortment and leveraging our sourcing capabilities to
look at alternative flooring categories and sourcing geographies. Despite our
mitigation efforts, we believe that this issue could have further material
impacts on sales and margins as we progress throughout the year. See "Risk
Factor - The Company and third-party suppliers on whom we rely source a
significant portion of the merchandise we sell from Asia, which exposes us to
the risk of supply chain disruptions" in the Company's annual report filed on
Form 10­K for the year ended December 31, 2022.


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Warto przeczytać!  5 rzeczy, które musisz wiedzieć o ekonomii twórców

Spis treści

Wyniki operacji

We believe the selected sales data, the percentage relationship between net
sales and major categories in the consolidated statements of operations and the
percentage change in the dollar amounts of each of the items presented below are
important in evaluating the performance of our business operations.

                                                                                             % Increase
                                                                                             in Dollar
                                                              % of Net Sales                  Amounts
                                                       Three Months Ended March 31,             2023
                                                        2023                  2022            vs. 2022
Net Sales
Net Merchandise Sales                                        87.5 %                87.5 %          (13.8 )%
Net Services Sales                                           12.5 %                12.5 %          (13.1 )%
Total Net Sales                                             100.0 %               100.0 %          (13.7 )%
Gross Profit                                                 36.6 %                37.3 %          (15.4 )%
Selling, General and Administrative Expenses                 42.0 %                35.5 %            2.2 %
Operating (Loss) Income                                      (5.5 )%                1.8 %         (360.9 )%
Other Expense (Income)                                        0.5 %                   - %        (7826.7 )%
(Loss) Income Before Income Taxes                            (6.0 )%                1.8 %         (383.0 )%
Income Tax (Benefit) Expense                                 (1.6 )%                0.4 %         (464.2 )%
Net (Loss) Income and Comprehensive (Loss) Income            (4.4 )%                1.4 %         (362.2 )%

                                                           Three Months Ended March 31,
                                                            2023                  2022
Average Sale1                                           $       1,767         $       1,695
Comparable Store Net Sales (Decrease) Increase2                 (15.4 )%               (3.6 )%
Transaction Count Decrease3                                     (19.6 )%              (23.3 )%
Average Retail Price per Unit Sold Increase4                      8.7 %                10.3 %

Number of Stores Open, end of period                              443                   431
Number of Stores Opened in Period, net of closures                  1                     7

Average sale is defined as the average invoiced sales order, measured quarterly,
excluding returns as well as transactions under $100 (which are generally sample
orders or add-on/accessories to existing orders).


Sklep jest ogólnie uważany za porównywalny pierwszego dnia trzynastego pełnego miesiąca kalendarzowego po otwarciu.


Liczbę transakcji oblicza się, stosując średnią sprzedaż do całkowitej sprzedaży netto w porównywalnych sklepach.


Średnia cena detaliczna za jednostkę sprzedaży (stopy kwadratowe podłóg i inne jednostki miary listew i akcesoriów) jest obliczana dla całej firmy i nie obejmuje przychodów niezwiązanych z towarami.

Sprzedaż netto

Net sales of $240.7 million decreased 13.7% compared to the same period last
year, driven by lower spending by consumers versus last year combined with a
decline in Pro sales. Total comparable store sales decreased 15.4% versus the
same period last year. During the first quarter, the Company opened one new
store, bringing total stores to 443 as of March 31, 2023.

Average sale increased 4.2% and average retail price per unit sold increased
8.7%, primarily due to the Company's pricing and promotion strategies to offset
higher material and transportation costs as well as favorable product mix. This
was more than offset by the 19.6% decrease in transaction count, reflecting
continued pressures on consumer discretionary spending due to consumer
confidence, inflation, volatile mortgage rates impacting housing affordability
and lower existing home sales. As the Company continues to navigate uncertainty
in the macroeconomic environment, it will continue to monitor the competitive
pricing environment to inform its pricing and promotion strategies.


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Spis treści

Zysk brutto

Gross profit of $88.0 million decreased $16.1 million compared to the first
quarter of 2022, and gross margin of 36.6% decreased 70 basis points compared to
the same period last year, driven by $2.1 million in incremental costs related
to customs delays on flooring products that contain PVC as a consequence of the
UFLPA. Gross profit for the first quarter of 2022 was impacted by the net of
antidumping and countervailing duty rate changes. Excluding these 2023 and 2022
unusual items, adjusted gross margin (a non-GAAP measure) of 37.4% increased 20
basis points compared to the same period last year, primarily reflecting the
Company's ability to offset higher material and transportation costs
(collectively up more than 500 basis points) through pricing, promotion and
alternative country/vendor sourcing strategies.

In order to further reduce transportation costs and optimize our supply chain
network, the Company will be opening a third distribution center in the third
quarter of 2023. In March 2023, the Company entered into a ten-year lease
agreement for a 457,363 square foot distribution center in Dallas, Texas, which
will enable us to more efficiently serve our stores located in the Central
United States. See Item 1, Note 8 to the consolidated financial statements for
further detail regarding the lease.

Additionally, the Company's financial statements have been impacted by Section
301 tariffs on certain products imported from China in recent years. The tariffs
flow through the income statement as the product is sold. The Company has
deployed strategies to mitigate tariffs and improve gross margin, primarily
through adjusting its pricing and promotion strategies and alternative country
sourcing. Through its sourcing strategy, the Company held the percentage of
merchandise receipts subject to Section 301 tariffs to 16% during the three
months ended March 31, 2023 and 2022.

As discussed in Item 1, Note 7 to the consolidated financial statements, the
Company is unable to predict the timing or outcome of the ruling by the CAFC. If
these appeals are successful, the Company should qualify for refunds on these
Section 301 tariffs.

                                                       Three Months Ended March 31,
                                                    2023                          2022
                                              $         % of Sales          $         % of Sales
                                                  (in thousands, except percentage data)
Gross Profit/Margin, as reported (GAAP)   $  88,000            36.6 %   $ 104,079            37.3 %

Vinyl Charges1                                2,138             0.9 %           -               - %
Antidumping and Countervailing
Adjustments2                                      -               - %        (241 )          (0.1 )%
Adjustment Items Subtotal                     2,138             0.9 %        (241 )          (0.1 )%

Adjusted Gross Profit/Margin (non-GAAP
measures)                                 $  90,138            37.4 %   $ 103,838            37.2 %

This amount represents costs related to customs delays on flooring products that
contain PVC as a consequence of the UFLPA.
This amount represents net antidumping and countervailing income associated with
applicable prior-year shipments of engineered hardwood from China.

Koszty sprzedaży, ogólne i administracyjne

Selling, general and administrative ("SG&A") expenses of $101.2 million
increased $2.2 million, and SG&A as a percentage of net sales of 42.0% increased
650 basis points versus the first quarter of last year. SG&A expenses in the
first quarter of 2023 included a $0.3 million charge for legal fees charged to
earnings related to CBP requests for additional documentation on imports of
flooring products that contain PVC as a consequence of the UFLPA. Excluding the
impact of the legal fees, adjusted SG&A expense (a non-GAAP measure) increased
$1.9 million year-over-year, and adjusted SG&A as a percentage of net sales (a
non-GAAP measure) of 41.9% increased 640 basis points compared to the first
quarter of last year.

The increases in both SG&A and adjusted SG&A as a percentage of net sales were
due primarily to expense deleverage from lower sales volumes. In addition,
operating expenses were higher due to the planned investments in our growth
strategies including: costs associated with new stores, investments in
technology and digital enhancements to improve the customer experience, and
consulting fees related to realigning our cost structure, as well as
inflationary cost increases. The increase was partially offset by restructuring
cost savings and lower variable costs due to lower sales volume.


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Warto przeczytać!  Antoine Gross o tym, jak marki mogą efektywniej współpracować z influencerami

Spis treści

During the three months ended March 31, 2023, the Company redeemed $0.7 million
of MDL and Gold vouchers and reduced the accrual for legal matters and
settlements for the full amount, relieved inventory at its cost, and the
remaining amount -- the gross margin for the items sold of $0.3 million was
recorded as a reduction in SG&A expense. During the comparable prior period, the
Company redeemed $1.1 million of MDL and Gold vouchers with a gross margin for
the items sold of $0.4 million.

                                                  Three Months Ended March 31,
                                               2023                          2022
                                         $         % of Sales         $         % of Sales
                                             (in thousands, except percentage data)
SG&A, as reported (GAAP)             $ 101,185            42.0 %   $ 99,025            35.5 %

Legal and Professional Fees3               280             0.1 %          -               - %

Adjusted SG&A (a non-GAAP measure)   $ 100,905            41.9 %   $ 99,025            35.5 %

This amount represents incremental legal fees charged to earnings related to CBP
requests for additional documentation on imports of flooring products that
contain PVC as a consequence of the UFLPA. This does not include all legal costs
incurred by the Company.

Dochód (strata) operacyjna i marża operacyjna

Operating loss was $13.2 million in the first quarter of 2023, compared to
operating income of $5.1 million in the first three months of 2022. Adjusted
operating loss (a non-GAAP measure) of $10.8 million decreased $15.6 million
from $4.8 million adjusted operating income (a non-GAAP measure) in the first
quarter of 2022. Operating margin of (5.5)% decreased 730 basis points compared
to the first quarter of last year. Adjusted operating margin (a non-GAAP
measure) of (4.5)% decreased 620 basis points compared to the first quarter of
last year, which reflects the increased selling, general and administrative
expenses and decreased gross margin as described in the above sections.

                                                         Three Months Ended March 31,
                                                     2023                           2022
                                               $         % of Sales           $         % of Sales
                                                    (in thousands, except percentage data)
Operating (Loss) Income, as reported
(GAAP)                                     $ (13,185 )          (5.5 )%   $   5,054             1.8 %

Gross Margin Adjustment Items:
Vinyl Charges1                                 2,138             0.9 %            -               - %
Antidumping and Countervailing
Adjustments2                                       -               - %         (241 )          (0.1 )%
Gross Margin Adjustment Items Subtotal         2,138             0.9 %      

(241 ) (0,1 )%

SG&A Adjustment Items:
Legal and Professional Fees3                     280             0.1 %            -               - %
SG&A Adjustment Items Subtotal                   280             0.1 %            -               - %

Adjusted Operating (Loss) Income/ Margin
(a non-GAAP measure)                       $ (10,767 )          (4.5 )%   $   4,813             1.7 %

1,2,3 Bardziej szczegółowe objaśnienia tych poszczególnych pozycji znajdują się w sekcjach Zysk brutto i SG&A powyżej.


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Spis treści

Inne wydatki (dochód)

The Company had other expense of $1.2 million for the first quarter of 2023
compared to other income of $15.2 thousand in the first quarter of 2022. The
prior year income was favorably impacted by the reversal of interest expense
associated with antidumping and countervailing duty rate changes. Excluding the
antidumping and countervailing adjustment in the first quarter of 2022, adjusted
other expense (a non-GAAP measure) of $1.2 million in the first quarter of 2023
decreased $1.1 million from the first quarter of last year. The increase in
other expense and adjusted other expense in the first quarter of 2023 is due to
the interest on borrowings on our Credit Agreement, compared to no borrowings on
the Credit Agreement in the first quarter of 2022.

                                                           Three Months Ended March 31,
                                                       2023                             2022
                                               $             % of Sales          $          % of Sales
                                                      (in thousands, except percentage data)
Other Expense (Income), as reported
(GAAP)                                     $    1,159                0.5 %   $     (15 )               - %

Interest Impact Related to Antidumping
and Countervailing Adjustments4                     -                  - %         (84 )               - %

Adjusted Other Expense/Adjusted Other
Expense as a % of Sales (a non-GAAP
measure)                                   $    1,159                0.5 %   $      69                 - %


Kwota ta odzwierciedla wpływ na dochód z odsetek niektórych dostosowań antydumpingowych i wyrównawczych związanych z mającymi zastosowanie transportami przetworzonego drewna liściastego z poprzedniego roku z Chiny.

Rezerwa na podatek dochodowy

The Company calculates its quarterly tax provision pursuant to the guidelines in
Accounting Standards Codification ("ASC") 740-270 "Income Taxes." Generally, ASC
740-270 requires companies to estimate the annual effective tax rate for current
year ordinary income. The estimated annual effective tax rate represents the
best estimate of the tax provision in relation to the best estimate of pre-tax
ordinary income or loss. The estimated annual effective tax rate is then applied
to year-to-date ordinary income or loss to calculate the year-to-date interim
tax provision and is adjusted for discrete items that occur within the period.

For the three months ended March 31, 2023, the Company recognized income tax
benefit of $3.8 million, which represented an effective tax rate of 26.2%. For
the three months ended March 31, 2022, the Company recognized income tax expense
of $1.0 million, which represented an effective tax rate of 20.4%. The higher
effective tax rate in the current period primarily reflects the impact of
permanent items on the pretax ordinary loss.


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Spis treści

Dochód (strata) netto na rozwodnioną akcję

Net loss per diluted share was $0.37 for the three months ended March 31, 2023,
compared to net income per diluted share of $0.14 for the three months ended
March 31, 2022. Adjusted loss per diluted share was $0.31 for the three months
ended March 31, 2023, compared to net income per diluted share of $0.13 for the
three months ended March 31, 2022.

                                                            Three Months Ended March 31,
                                                             2023                  2022
                                                          (in thousands, except per share
Net (Loss) Income, as reported (GAAP)                   $      (10,585 )       $       4,037
Net (Loss) Income per Diluted Share (GAAP)              $        (0.37 )    

0,14 USD

Gross Margin Adjustment Items:
Vinyl Charges1                                                   2,138                     -
Antidumping and Countervailing Adjustments2                          -                  (241 )
Gross Margin Adjustment Items Subtotal                           2,138                  (241 )

SG&A Adjustment Items:
Legal and Professional Fees3                                       280                     -
SG&A Adjustment Items Subtotal                                     280                     -

Other Expense (Income) Adjustment Items:
Interest Impact Related to Antidumping and
Countervailing Adjustments4                                          -                   (84 )
Other Expense (Income) Adjustment Items Subtotal                     -                   (84 )

Income Tax Adjustment5                                            (636 )                  85

Adjusted (Loss) Earnings                                $       (8,803 )       $       3,797
Adjusted (Loss) Earnings per Diluted Share (a
non-GAAP measure)                                       $        (0.31 )       $        0.13

1,2,3,4 Bardziej szczegółowe objaśnienia tych poszczególnych pozycji znajdują się w sekcjach Zysk brutto, SG&A i Inne koszty (dochody) powyżej.


Korekta podatku dochodowego jest zdefiniowana jako suma marży brutto, SG&A i innych pozycji korekty kosztów (dochodów) pomnożona przez federalną stawkę krańcową Spółki, która wynosiła 26,3% za okresy zakończone 31 marca 2023 r i 2022.

Warto przeczytać!  Rynek likierów i alkoholi specjalnych 2023

Płynność, zasoby kapitałowe i przepływy pieniężne

Źródła płynności

Cash flows from operations supplemented with our short-term and long-term
borrowings remain sufficient to fund our operations while allowing us to fund
our growth initiatives and position LL Flooring for long-term success. As of
March 31, 2023, we had liquidity of $156.8 million, consisting of excess
availability under our Credit Agreement of $149.8 million and cash and cash
equivalents of $7.0 million. This represents an increase in liquidity of $21.2
million from December 31, 2022, primarily reflecting repayments of outstanding
debt under the Credit Agreement. We believe that cash flows from operations,
together with cash on hand, and the liquidity under our Credit Agreement will be
sufficient to meet our obligations and fund our settlements, operations,
anticipated capital expenditures, and potential share repurchases for the next
12 months.

The Company continues to navigate uncertainty in the macroeconomic environment
due to consumer confidence, inflation, volatile mortgage rates impacting housing
affordability and lower existing home sales. We prepare our forecasted cash flow
and liquidity estimates based on assumptions that we believe to be reasonable
but are also inherently uncertain. Actual future cash flows could differ from
these estimates.


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Spis treści

Zasoby kapitałowe

As of March 31, 2023, our material contractual obligations consist of long-term
debt and letters of credit under our Credit Agreement and leases. See Note 5 to
the consolidated financial statements for further detail related to our Credit
Agreement. See Note 8 to the consolidated financial statements for further
detail related to leases to be read in conjunction with the Form 10­K for the
year ended December 31, 2022.

Cash Flows Summary

                                                           Three Months Ended March 31,
                                                             2023                 2022
                                                                  (in thousands)

Środki pieniężne netto dostarczone (wykorzystane w) działalności operacyjnej 26 149 $

  $      (23,401 )
Net Cash Used in Investing Activities                           (4,741 )             (5,189 )
Net Cash Used in Financing Activities                          (25,231 )               (528 )
Net Decrease in Cash and Cash Equivalents               $       (3,823 )    

$ (29 118 )

W ciągu trzech zakończonych miesięcy 31 marca 2023 rSpółka wygenerowała 26,1 miliona dolarów przepływów pieniężnych z działalności operacyjnej wynikający głównie z wyprzedaży odbudowanych zapasów towarów z końca poprzedniego roku oraz zmniejszonych zakupów zapasów.

During the three months ended March 31, 2022, the Company used $23.4 million of
cash flows for operating activities, which was primarily the result of purchases
of inventory ($64.8 million), partially offset by increased accounts payable
($26.0 million), and net income ($4.0 million).

Net cash flows used in investing activities included $4.7 million and $5.2
million in capital expenditures in the three months ended March 31, 2023 and
2022, respectively. Capital expenditures in both years were used primarily for
opening new stores and investments in digital, with additional investments
related to store rebranding in the first quarter of 2022. The Company opened one
new store in the first quarter of 2023 versus seven new stores in the same
quarter prior year.

Net cash flows used in financing activities was $25.2 million during the three
months ended March 31, 2023, compared to $0.5 million during the three months
ended March 31, 2022. The activity in the current year was primarily
attributable to $25.0 million of net repayments of outstanding debt under the
Credit Agreement. Additionally, financing activities in the first quarter of
both 2023 and 2022 included repurchases of common stock.

Zapasy towarów

Our net sales fluctuate slightly as a result of seasonal factors, and we adjust
merchandise inventories in anticipation of those factors, causing variations in
our buildup of merchandise inventories. Generally, we experience
higher-than-average net sales in the spring and fall, when more home remodeling
activities typically take place, and lower-than-average net sales in the winter
months and during the hottest summer months.

Merchandise inventories on March 31, 2023 decreased $24.6 million from December
31, 2022 as the Company began to sell through inventory rebuilt from the prior
year and reduced inventory purchases. We consider merchandise inventories either
"available for sale" or "in-transit," based on whether we have physically
received and inspected the products at an individual store location, in our
distribution centers or in another facility where we control and monitor

In-transit inventory generally varies due to the timing of certain international
shipments and certain seasonal factors, including international holidays, rainy
seasons, and specific merchandise category planning.


————————————————– —————

Spis treści

Merchandise inventories and available inventory for sale per store in operation
were as follows:

                                                   As of               As of           As of
                                                                   December 31,      March 31,
                                               March 31, 2023          2022             2022
                                                               (in thousands)
Inventory - Available for Sale                $        284,462     $     307,730     $  266,228
Inventory - In-Transit                                  23,276            24,566         52,346
Total Merchandise Inventories                 $        307,738     $     

332296 318 574 $

Inventory Available for Sale Per Store        $            642     $        

696 618 $

Inventory available for sale per store as of March 31, 2023 decreased compared
to December 31, 2022 due to the same drivers as merchandise inventories as well
as the opening of a new store in the first quarter of 2023. Inventory available
for sale per store increased compared to March 31, 2022 reflecting the Company's
strategy to utilize the merchandise inventories rebuilt in 2022 to offer a
compelling assortment of trend-right products close to its customers, as well
as, to a lesser extent, inflation.

Krytyczne zasady rachunkowości i szacunki

Critical accounting policies are those that we believe are both significant and
that require us to make difficult, subjective, or complex judgments, often
because we need to estimate the effect of inherently uncertain matters. We base
our estimates and judgments on historical experiences and various other factors
that we believe to be appropriate under the circumstances. Actual results may
differ from these estimates, and we might obtain different estimates if we used
different assumptions or conditions. We have had no significant changes in our
Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates since our annual report on Form 10­K
for the year ended December 31, 2022.

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