
niestandardowa taksonomia – Pokaż ślimak kategorii portfela w adresie URL (jeśli istnieje)

  • 25 maja, 2015
  • 7 min read
niestandardowa taksonomia – Pokaż ślimak kategorii portfela w adresie URL (jeśli istnieje)

Próbuję osiągnąć dwupoziomową strukturę portfela i działa ona dobrze w bułce tartej, ale nie w adresie URL. Chodzi o to, aby pokazać ślimak portfela (miejsca docelowe), po którym następuje kategoria portfela (jeśli istnieje), a na końcu nazwa portfela. To jest plik (portfolio-post.php), który należy zmienić, ale nie mam pojęcia, jak to zrobić, każda pomoc byłaby mile widziana:


 * Create and register Portfolio post type
if ( !function_exists('ishyoboy_portfolio_post_type') ){
function ishyoboy_portfolio_post_type()
    $labels = array(
        'name'              => __( 'Portfolio', 'ishyoboy_assets' ),
        'singular_name'     => __( 'Portfolio Item', 'ishyoboy_assets' ),
        'add_new'           => _x( 'Add New Item', 'portfolio-post', 'ishyoboy_assets' ),
        'add_new_item'      => __( 'Add New Item', 'ishyoboy_assets' ),
        'edit_item'         => __( 'Edit Portfolio Item', 'ishyoboy_assets' ),
        'new_item'          => __( 'New Portfolio Item', 'ishyoboy_assets' ),
        'view_item'         => __( 'View Portfolio Item', 'ishyoboy_assets' ),
        'search_items'      => __( 'Search Portfolio Items', 'ishyoboy_assets' ),
        'not_found'         => __( 'No Portfolio Items Found', 'ishyoboy_assets' ),
        'not_found_in_trash'=> __( 'No Portfolio Items Found In Trash', 'ishyoboy_assets' ),
        'parent_item_colon' => __( 'Parent Portfolio Item', 'ishyoboy_assets' ),
        'menu_name'         => __( 'Portfolio', 'ishyoboy_assets' ),
        'all_items'         => __( 'All Portfolio Items', 'ishyoboy_assets' ),
    $taxonomies = array();
    $supports = apply_filters( 'ish_cpt_plugin_portfolio_post_type_supports', array('title', 'editor', 'thumbnail', 'comments' ) );

    global $ish_options;

    if ( isset( $ish_options['slug_portfolio'] ) && '' != $ish_options['slug_portfolio'] ){
        $slug = trim( $ish_options['slug_portfolio'] );
    } else {
        $slug = _x('portfolio', 'URL slug', 'ishyoboy_assets'); // "URL slug" is necessary for WPML to be able to translate the slug

    $post_type_args = array(
        'labels'                => $labels,
        'singular_label'        => __( 'Portfolio' , 'ishyoboy_assets' ),
        'public'                => true,
        'publicly_queryable'    => true,
        'exclude_from_search'   => false,
        'show_ui'               => true,
        'show_in_menu'          => true,
        'query_var'             => true,
        'capability_type'       => 'post',
        'has_archive'           => false,
        'hierarchical'          => false,
        'rewrite'               => array(
            'slug'              => $slug,
            'with_front'        => true,
            'feed'              => true,
            'pages'             => false
        'supports'              => $supports,
        'menu_position'         => null,
        'menu_icon'             => null, //get_template_directory_uri() . '/inc/slider/images/icon.png',
        'taxonomies'            => $taxonomies

    register_post_type( 'portfolio-post', $post_type_args );


 * Set Portfolio post type's messages
if ( !function_exists('ishyoboy_portfolio_messages') ){
function ishyoboy_portfolio_messages($messages)
    global $post, $post_ID;

    $messages['portfolio-post'] =
            0 => '',
            1 => sprintf(('Portfolio Updated. <a href=" portfolio</a>'), esc_url(get_permalink($post_ID))),
            2 => __('Custom Field Updated.', 'ishyoboy_assets'),
            3 => __('Custom Field Deleted.', 'ishyoboy_assets'),
            4 => __('Portfolio Updated.', 'ishyoboy_assets'),
            5 => isset($_GET['revision']) ? sprintf( __('Portfolio Restored To Revision From %s', 'ishyoboy_assets'), wp_post_revision_title((int)$_GET['revision'], false)) : false,
            6 => sprintf(__('Portfolio Published. <a href=" Portfolio</a>', 'ishyoboy_assets'), esc_url(get_permalink($post_ID))),
            7 => __('Portfolio Saved.', 'ishyoboy_assets'),
            8 => sprintf(__('Portfolio Submitted. <a target="_blank" href=" Portfolio</a>', 'ishyoboy_assets'), esc_url( add_query_arg('preview', 'true', get_permalink($post_ID)))),
            9 => sprintf(__('Portfolio Scheduled For: <strong>%1$s</strong>. <a target="_blank" href="%2$s">Preview Portfolio</a>', 'ishyoboy_assets'), date_i18n( __( 'M j, Y @ G:i', 'ishyoboy_assets' ), strtotime($post->post_date)), esc_url(get_permalink($post_ID))),
            10 => sprintf(__('Portfolio Draft Updated. <a target="_blank" href=" Portfolio</a>', 'ishyoboy_assets'), esc_url( add_query_arg('preview', 'true', get_permalink($post_ID)))),
    return $messages;
add_filter( 'post_updated_messages', 'ishyoboy_portfolio_messages' );

 * Create Category for Portfolio post type
if ( !function_exists('ishyoboy_portfolio_category') ){
function ishyoboy_portfolio_category()

    $labels = array(
        'name'                          => __( 'Portfolio Categories', 'ishyoboy_assets' ),
        'singular_name'                 => __( 'Portfolio Category', 'ishyoboy_assets' ),
        'search_items'                  => __( 'Search Portfolio Categories', 'ishyoboy_assets' ),
        'popular_items'                 => __( 'Popular Portfolio Categories', 'ishyoboy_assets' ),
        'all_items'                     => __( 'All Portfolio Categories', 'ishyoboy_assets' ),
        'parent_item'                   => __( 'Parent Portfolio Category', 'ishyoboy_assets' ),
        'edit_item'                     => __( 'Edit Portfolio Category', 'ishyoboy_assets' ),
        'update_item'                   => __( 'Update Portfolio Category', 'ishyoboy_assets' ),
        'add_new_item'                  => __( 'Add New Portfolio Category', 'ishyoboy_assets' ),
        'new_item_name'                 => __( 'New Portfolio Category', 'ishyoboy_assets' ),
        'separate_items_with_commas'    => __( 'Separate Portfolio Categories with commas', 'ishyoboy_assets' ),
        'add_or_remove_items'           => __( 'Add or remove Portfolio Category', 'ishyoboy_assets' ),
        'choose_from_most_used'         => __( 'Choose from most used Portfolio Categories', 'ishyoboy_assets' )

    global $ish_options;
    if ( isset( $ish_options['slug_portfolio'] ) && '' != $ish_options['slug_portfolio'] ){
        $slug = trim( $ish_options['slug_portfolio'] ) . '-category';
    } else {
        $slug = _x('portfolio-category', 'URL slug', 'ishyoboy_assets'); // "URL slug" is necessary for WPML to be able to translate the slug

    $args = array(
        'labels'                        => $labels,
        'public'                        => true,
        'hierarchical'                  => true,
        'show_ui'                       => true,
        'show_in_nav_menus'             => true,
        'query_var'                     => true,
        "rewrite"                       => array(
            'slug'          => $slug,
            'hierarchical'  => true

    register_taxonomy( 'portfolio-category', 'portfolio-post', $args );

if ( is_admin() ){

 * Backend columns
if ( !function_exists('ishyoboy_portfolio_edit_columns') ){
    function ishyoboy_portfolio_edit_columns( $columns ){
        $columns = array(
            "cb" => "<input type=\"checkbox\" />",
            "title" => __( 'Title', 'ishyoboy_assets' ),
            "author" => __( 'Author', 'ishyoboy_assets' ),
            "category" => __( 'Categories', 'ishyoboy_assets' ),
            "thumbnail" => __( 'Image', 'ishyoboy_assets' ),
            "date" => __( 'Date', 'ishyoboy_assets' )

        return $columns;
add_filter("manage_edit-portfolio-post_columns", "ishyoboy_portfolio_edit_columns");

if ( !function_exists('ishyoboy_portfolio_custom_columns') ){
    function ishyoboy_portfolio_custom_columns($column){
        global $post;

        switch ($column)
            case "thumbnail":
            case "category":
                echo get_the_term_list($post->ID, 'portfolio-category', '', ', ','');
add_action( 'manage_portfolio-post_posts_custom_column' ,    'ishyoboy_portfolio_custom_columns', 10, 2 );

 * Add dropdown filter for sliders

    if ( !function_exists('ishyoboy_restrict_portfolio_by_category') ){
    function ishyoboy_restrict_portfolio_by_category() {
        global $typenow, $wp_query;

        if ( isset($typenow) && 'portfolio-post' == $typenow ) {

            $taxonomy = 'portfolio-category';

            $term = isset( $wp_query->query[$taxonomy]) ? $wp_query->query[$taxonomy] : '';

            $portfolio_taxonomy = get_taxonomy($taxonomy);
                'show_option_all' =>  __("Show all", 'ishyoboy_assets') . ' ' . $portfolio_taxonomy->label,
                'taxonomy'        =>  $taxonomy,
                'name'            =>  $taxonomy,
                'orderby'         =>  'name',
                'selected'        =>  $term,
                'hierarchical'    =>  true,
                'depth'           =>  0,
                'show_count'      =>  true, // Show # listings in parens
                'hide_empty'      =>  true, // Don't show businesses w/o listings

if ( !function_exists('taxonomy_filter_ishyoboy_portfolio_request') ){
    function taxonomy_filter_ishyoboy_portfolio_request( $query ) {
        global $pagenow, $typenow;

        if ( isset($pagenow) && 'edit.php' == $pagenow ) {

            $filters = get_object_taxonomies( $typenow );
            if ( isset($filters) && '' != $filters){
                foreach ( $filters as $tax_slug ) {
                    $var = &$query->query_vars[$tax_slug];
                    if ( isset($var) && '' != $var ) {
                        $term = get_term_by( 'id', $var, $tax_slug );
                        if ( isset($term) && '' !=  $term ) {
                            $var = $term->slug;
add_filter( 'parse_query', 'taxonomy_filter_ishyoboy_portfolio_request' );

if ( !function_exists('ishyoboy_portfolio_post_thumbnails') ){
    function ishyoboy_portfolio_post_thumbnails() {

        $supported_types = get_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );

        if ( $supported_types === false ) {
            add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails', array( 'portfolio-post' ) );
        elseif( true === $supported_types){

        elseif( is_array( $supported_types[0] ) ){
            $supported_types[0][] = 'portfolio-post';
            add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails', $supported_types[0] );


 * Change the default setting for comments on Portfolio posts. Make them closed by default.
if ( ! function_exists( 'ishyoboy_default_content_portfolio' ) ) {
    function ishyoboy_default_content_portfolio( $post_content, $post ) {
        if( $post->post_type )
            switch( $post->post_type ) {
                case 'portfolio-post':
        return $post_content;
add_filter( 'default_content', 'ishyoboy_default_content_portfolio', 10, 2 );


 * Initialize Portfolio post type
add_action( 'init', 'ishyoboy_portfolio_post_type' );
add_action( 'init', 'ishyoboy_portfolio_category', 0 );
//add_action( 'after_theme_setup','ishyoboy_portfolio_post_thumbnails' );


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