
wtyczki — najlepsze podejście do zmiany obrazu tła telefonu komórkowego i dodania jego klasy

  • 20 marca, 2024
  • 4 min read
wtyczki — najlepsze podejście do zmiany obrazu tła telefonu komórkowego i dodania jego klasy

  • przedłużyłem core/group block, aby dodać inny obraz tła podczas oglądania w mniejszym widoku.
  • Chciałbym wiedzieć, jakie będzie najlepsze podejście do dodania tutaj nazwy klasy, co zrobiłem w moim kodzie lub czegoś innego. Wątpię też, czy zdecyduję się zmienić obraz za pomocą CSS, to dla wszystkich grup na pojedynczej stronie obraz tła na urządzeniu mobilnym będzie taki sam i jeśli zdecyduję się to zrobić za pomocą JS, wówczas zostanie uruchomione tylko odświeżenie strony.
 * WordPress dependencies
const { addFilter } = wp.hooks;
const { InspectorControls } = wp.blockEditor;
const { PanelBody } = wp.components;
const { createHigherOrderComponent } = wp.compose;
const { MediaUpload, MediaUploadCheck } = wp.blockEditor;
const { Fragment } = wp.element;
const { __ } = wp.i18n;

 * Adds the mobileBackgroundImage attribute to the group block settings.
 * @param {Object} settings - The block settings.
 * @return {Object} - The updated block settings.
function addMobileBackgroundImageAttribute( settings ) {
    if ( 'core/group' !== settings.name ) {
        return settings; // Return settings even if the block name doesn't match

    settings.attributes = {
        mobileBackgroundImage: {
            type: 'string',
            default: '',

    return settings;

addFilter( 'blocks.registerBlockType', 'addMobileBackgroundImageAttribute', addMobileBackgroundImageAttribute );

 * Higher Order Component to add class name and inspector controls to core/group block.
 * This HOC adds a mobile background image control to the core/group block.
 * @param {Function} BlockEdit - Original component.
 * @return {Function} - New component.
const withClassNameAndInspectorControls = createHigherOrderComponent( ( BlockEdit ) => {
    return ( props ) => {
        const { name, attributes, setAttributes } = props;

        if ( 'core/group' !== name ) {
            return <BlockEdit { ...props } />;

        const oldClassList = attributes.className ? attributes.className : '';
        const removeClass = oldClassList?.replace( 'has-mobile-background-image', '' );

        return (
                <BlockEdit { ...props } />
                <InspectorControls group="styles">
                    <PanelBody title={ __( 'Mobile Background Image', 'features' ) }>
                                onSelect={ ( media ) => {
                                    setAttributes( { mobileBackgroundImage: media.url, className: oldClassList + ' has-mobile-background-image' } );
                                } }
                                value={ attributes.mobileBackgroundImage }
                                render={ ( { open } ) => (
                                        <button className="button button-large" onClick={ open }>
                                            { attributes.mobileBackgroundImage ? __( 'Change Image', 'features' ) : __( 'Select Image', 'features' ) }
                                        { attributes.mobileBackgroundImage && (
                                                <img src={ attributes.mobileBackgroundImage } alt={ __( 'Mobile Background', 'features' ) } className="mobile-background-image" style={ { marginTop: '10px', maxWidth: '100%' } } />
                                                    className="button button-large"
                                                    onClick={ () => {
                                                        setAttributes( { mobileBackgroundImage: '', className: removeClass } );
                                                    } }
                                                    { __( 'Remove Image', 'features' ) }
                                        ) }
                                ) }
}, 'withClassNameAndInspectorControls' );

addFilter( 'editor.BlockEdit', 'addMobileBackgroundImageControl', withClassNameAndInspectorControls );

 * Higher Order Component to add class name to core/group block in the editor.
 * @param {Function} BlockListBlock - Original component.
 * @return {Function} - New component.
const addEditorClass = createHigherOrderComponent( ( BlockListBlock ) => {
    return ( props ) => {
        const { wrapperProps, name, attributes } = props;

        if ( ! [ 'core/group' ].includes( name ) ) {
            return <BlockListBlock { ...props } wrapperProps={ wrapperProps } />;

        const newWrapperProps = {
            ...( attributes.mobileBackgroundImage &&
                'data-mobile-background-image': attributes.mobileBackgroundImage,
            } ),

        return <BlockListBlock { ...props } wrapperProps={ newWrapperProps } />;
}, 'withTooltip' );

wp.hooks.addFilter( 'editor.BlockListBlock', 'features', addEditorClass );

 * Adds the mobileBackgroundImage attribute to the group block settings.
 * @param {Object} settings - The block settings.
 * @return {Object} - The updated block settings.
addFilter( 'blocks.getSaveContent.extraProps', 'addClassNameToGroupBlockFrontend', ( extraProps, blockType, attributes ) => {
    if ( attributes?.mobileBackgroundImage ) {
        return {
            'data-mobile-background-image': attributes.mobileBackgroundImage,
    return extraProps;
} );
add_filter( 'render_block_core/group', array( $this, 'extend_core_group_block' ), 10, 3 );

public function extend_core_group_block( $block_content, $block, $instance ) {
        // Add JavaScript to dynamically set background images.

            $image_path = esc_url( $instance->parsed_block['attrs']['mobileBackgroundImage'] );

        if(isset($image_path) && $image_path !== ''){
            @media screen and (max-width: 768px){
                .wp-block-group.has-mobile-background-image {
                    background-image: url(<?php echo $image_path; ?>) !important;
                    background-size: cover;

            jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
                if ($(window).width() < 768) {
                    $(".wp-block-group.has-mobile-background-image").each(function() {
                        var backgroundImageURL = $(this).data("mobile-background-image");
                        $(this).css("background-image", "url(" + backgroundImageURL + ")");
                        $(this).css("background-size", "cover");

        return $block_content;


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